- Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austin 简·奥斯丁著
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane 傲慢与偏见
- Have you ever read Jane Austin's classic novel Pride and Prejudice? 你有没有读过简·奥斯汀的经典小说《傲慢与偏见》?
- How many movie related to Jane Austen or Pride and Prejudice have you watched? 你看过多少和简奥斯汀或傲慢与偏见有联系的电影呢?
- Have you read the book, Pride and Prejudice? 你读过《傲慢与偏见》吗?
- Because I have my own pride and prejudice! 因为我有自己的傲慢与偏见!
- Pride and prejudice is my favorite book. 傲慢与偏见>>是我最喜欢的书。
- I am reading an abridged edition of Pride and Prejudice. 我正在读《傲慢与偏见》的简写本。
- Pride and Prejudice is Austen's representative work. 《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁的代表作。
- Pride and Prejudice is the most popular masterpiece of Jane Austen (1775-1817) who was one of the greatest novelists of the 19th and 20th centuries. 《傲慢与偏见》是十九世纪二十世纪伟大作家简·奥斯汀(1775-1817)的著作中最受欢迎的一部。
- Tell us some of your opinions about the marriage in 17,18th British, based on novels or movies such as "Pride and Prejudice", "Jane Eyer", etc. 基于以前看过的小说或电影,例如:傲慢与偏见,或者简爱,谈谈你对17,18世纪英国婚姻观念的看法?
- He sees a connection, for example, between the family background of Tom Lefroy, whom it seemed for a time that Jane might marry, and the Bennets in Pride and Prejudice. 格瑞莎姆夫人对此冷眼相看,而瓦斯莱则一直心存希望。父母以及亲戚的反对,让两人必须做出决定。
- Irony is the most striking feature in Jane Austen's novels. Starting with characterization in" Pride and Prejudice", this paper makes an analysis on irony, a special writing technique. 反讽是简·奥斯丁小说最显著的特色之一。文章试从奥斯丁的小说《傲慢与偏见》中的人物塑造入手,对反讽这种特殊的艺术手段进行分析。
- Pride and Prejudice is the masterpiece of Jane Austen,in Pride and Prejudice,she expressed such views on marriage in her description of four marriages: love is more important than money for a marriage. 《傲慢与偏见》是英国女作家简·奥斯汀的著名代表作,在这部作品中作者通过四对青年人的婚姻故事,表现了金钱与爱情在婚姻中的作用。 阐释了作者的婚姻观:金钱与爱情在婚姻上都很重要,但爱情在成就美满婚姻上的作用要远远大于金钱。
- Olivier had the option to work with her as the leading man in Woterloo Bridge or take the lead in Pride and Prejudice. 奥利弗可以在《魂断蓝桥》或是《傲慢与偏见》之间做选择,出演男主角。
- Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.My first impression of this story was from screen. 这是部浪漫又现实的爱情。
- Fitzwilliam Darcy in the original Pride and Prejudice is a major “minor” character. 曾经的地产传奇、精英故事被作者露骨却又诗意地一一还原,还原为起起伏伏的“真相”,还原为人与人之间微妙的制衡,还原为男与女复杂而又原始的情感。
- The consciousness of female subject of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice is disclosed through the relationship of the characters. 《傲慢与偏见》中女主人公伊丽莎白的女性主体意识是通过人物关系揭示出来的。
- In Pride and Prejudice, for a woman, generally the only way to her is to get married besides being spinsterhood or governess. 傲慢与偏见,对女人,一般的唯一途径是她结婚除了独身或教师。
- Huck's ostensible "subversion" unravels the problematic ideology of the racist white and gives an insight on the absur-dity of an over-reaching pride and prejudice. 透过哈克的 人道情怀,我们对于人心的良善和偏执会有更深的体会和反省。