- What is the sunstroke prevention method with best summer? 夏天最好的防暑方法是什么?
- What fraud prevention methods are employed ? 必须如何防止上当受骗?
- Objective:To explore prevention method of postoperational uriac retention in hemorrhoid patients. 目的:探讨痔科手术后预防尿潴留的方法。
- So,analyses the reason of chain breakage and puts forward prevention method has important meaning. 因此,分析了刮板输送机断链事故原因并提出预防措施。
- Condom is a popular contraceptive as well as disease prevention method in the United States. 在美国,避孕套是一种受欢迎的可避孕可预防传染病的工具。
- Another prevention method was through elaborate locking rings which made meters non-removable, except with special keys. 另一个预防措施就是安装精制的锁环,使仪表非得用特备的钥匙才能移动。
- D/P and D/A is facingdifferent risks and prevention methods. 付款交单与承兑交单面临的风险不同,所以两者的风险防范工作也不同。
- The types and workout principle of Word Macro Virus was elaborated, and the author put forward the specific prevention method to this kind of virus. :本文阐述了 Word宏病毒的类型和编制原理 ,并对该类病毒提出了具体的防治方法
- This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urhanization, and puts forward prevention method. 摘要文章分析城镇化进程中水环境恶化的原因,并提出防治对策。
- Meanwhile, joint prevention method of embedded and out-stickup water-stops is used for later-concreted belt.No seepage is foun... 同时在后浇带等结构细部,采用中埋式、外贴式止水带等构造作法共同设防,使工程防水未见渗漏现象,工程质量得以保证。
- This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urbanization,and puts forward prevention method. 文章分析城镇化进程中水环境恶化的原因,并提出防治对策。
- By researching macrostructure and microstructure,finds the main reason of these cracks,and brings up the prevention method from machining angle. 通过对宏观断口和微观组织的研究分析,找到了该类断裂失效的主要原因,并从加工制造的角度提出了相应的防治措施。
- On request,it also advises the private sector on corruption prevention methods. 该处也会应私营机构的要求,就防止贪污方法提供意见。
- Through analysis of type and characteristic of rubber seal failure for hydraulic system,main relative factors and prevention method of seal failure are des-cribed. 通过对液压系统橡胶密封失效的形式、特点的分析,论述了影响密封失效的主要相关因素及预防方法;
- Detailedly introduce a kind of biggish initial tight force,pressing fix up expediently,save labor,the outstanding effect of loose prevention method by hydraulic pressure... 详细介绍了一种预紧力大、紧固方便、省力、防松效果显著的液压螺母锁紧方法。
- On request, it also advises the private sector on corruption prevention methods. 该处也会应私营机构的要求,就防止贪污方法提供意见。
- Objective: To study the preventive method of meconium aspiration syndrome and the warships to patients. 目的探讨胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)的防治措施及产前监护。
- The main source of lead pollution and the preventive method of child lead poisoning were discussed. 讨论了铅污染的主要来源,并进行了儿童铅中毒的预防对策研究。
- The only true combatant, it seems, is to use a multitude of acne prevention methods at the same time. 唯一真正的战斗,似乎是用多种痤疮的预防方法在同一时间。
- Now there are concerns that the recent failure of some potential prevention methods will lead funders to pull out. 如今,有人担心近来一些可能的预防手段的试验失败将导致资助者终止资助。