- Pressurizer relief tank 稳压器卸压箱
- A pilot-operated vent valve for pressure relief uses tank pressure, not weights or a spring, to keep the vent valve seat closed. 先导式通气阀泄压时利用储罐压力,而不是重力或弹簧外力,来保持通气阀阀座关闭。
- Temperature and pressure relief valve -factory provided aSME rated relief valve protects against excessive temperature and/or pressure buildup within the tank. 过热和超压安全阀---厂家在本款热水器上配置通过aSME(美国机械工程师协会)认证的安全阀,当内胆容器内出现温度过高或累积压力过大等异常情况时,进行降温和减压,提供可靠的安全保护。
- The regulators have a unit construction. In a sealed tank, with pressure relief device, oil sight gauge, superior connection for press filter, valve of drain, oil sampling device and stainless steel nameplate etched in low relief. 调压器有一个带有卸压装置和油量观测计的独立结构被密封在槽内;这样的配置使压力过滤器;排水阀;油取样设备和不锈钢标示牌不容易被侵蚀.
- Install the high pressure relief valve in the compressor manifold fitting. 在压缩机歧管配件里安装高压释放阀。
- For pressure relief you turn the opening valve against clockwise direction. 压力释放时,逆时针旋转开口阀。
- Install a 125 PSI pressure relief valve in the cold water supply line. 在冷水供应管道上安装一个125psi的减压安全阀。
- Nitrogen containers are equipped with pressure relief devices to protect from over pressurization. 氮容器装备有减压装置,以便在过压和可能的破裂时保护容器。
- Pressure relief devices protect storage tanks against overpressure hazards, you must know their set points. 压力释放装置用于防止超压的危险,你必须清楚它们的设定值。
- Do not walk on the top surfaces of the Powerbloc panels, rupture points for pressure relief. 不要在开关柜泻压顶板上行走。
- Must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the temperature and pressure relief valve and the discharge line. 必须正确安装,使得降温减压安全阀和排水管道都能够完全排泄。
- Building valves - Combined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requirements. 建筑阀门。温度和压力组合安全阀。试验和要求。
- Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve is required, but may not be factory installed. 需要降温减压安全阀,但可能不在工厂安装。
- Note: The installation of a separate pressure relief valve is necessary for installations using gas shutoffs. 注意:采用燃气关闭阀,有必要安装独立的压力安全阀。
- Use regulators and pressure relief devices when connecting cylinders to circuits having lower pressure service ratings. 当把钢瓶连接到较低额定工作压力的回路上时,要使用调整器和减压装置。
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在从油罐里吸出汽油。
- You must make provisions for pressure relief protection of your plumbing system and components. 此时就必须采取措施进行压力释放,以保护管道系统和部件。
- By doing so, the DET keeps the system pressure below the relief setting of the Temperature and Pressure relief valve. 通过这种功能,det系列将系统压力保持在温度压力安全阀的排放设置下。
- I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank. 我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。
- Therefore, the spacecraft must have a facility with "pressure relief" feature and restore function. 因此,航天器上必须有一个设施具有“泄压”功能和恢复功能。