- Press Trust of India Ltd. 印报托
- Q: (Press Trust of India) Indian Foreign Minister Singh is going to visit China at the end of this month. 印度报业托拉斯记者问:印度外长将于本月底访华,请您谈谈印中关系前景、两国边界问题。
- The Press Trust of India news agency reported that the landmine had been laid by members of the People's War Group. 印度新闻社称该起地雷爆炸事件是印度人民战争组织所为。
- Press Trust of India believes that the image can easily be mistaken for an ordinary college students. 印度报业托拉斯认为,这一形象很容易被误认为一名普通大学生。
- Press Trust of India: India and China will see the 55th anniversary of their establishment of a diplomatic relationship next month. 下个月印度和中国就要庆祝两国建交55周年了。
- Home minister Kataria said the bombs were either planted on bicycles, rickshaws or in cars, the Press Trust of India (PTI) said. 内政部长kataria说,炸弹被种植在自行车,三轮车,或在汽车,印度报业托拉斯(记者)说。
- A Muslim couple in India has been told by local Islamic leaders they must separate after the husband "divorced" his wife in his sleep, the Press Trust of India reported. 据印度报业托拉斯报道,印度一对穆斯林夫妇被当地的伊斯兰教领导人强制离婚,因为丈夫在睡梦中三次说到“离婚”。
- Central Trust of Chian Co., Ltd. 中央信托局。
- Calling the case "rare" and one that had a serious bearing on public health, the court ordered the company to pay 100,000 rupees ($2,200) to a legal aid fund for consumers, and 20,000 rupees ($450) to the complainant, Press Trust of India reported. 法庭认为,这桩案件“罕见”并对消费者的健康造成严重影响,责令百事公司向消费者提供10万卢比(约合2200美元)的法律援助,并向原告支付2万卢比(约合450美元)的经济赔偿。
- The news agency Press Trust of India quoted Air Force sources as saying that the Daulatbeg Oldi Base was revived to bolster India's aerial and land reconnaissance capability in the strategic region. 印度报业托拉斯援引空军部门消息人士的话说,重启斗拉特别奥里地基地是为了加强印度在这个战略地区的空中和陆地侦察能力。
- She had the implicit trust of her staff. 她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。
- Worthy of trust of friend! Thanks for your support! 值得信任的朋友!感谢您的支持!
- But does she have the trust of the staff? 但是她是否获得了职员的信任呢?
- Second teacher should gaine the trust of students. 其次要取得学生的信任。
- Don't take my trust of you as playgame. 不要把我对你的信任当成游戏.
- Right by these features, POCT won trust of people. POCT正是凭借它的这些特点赢得了人们的信赖。
- The upland tea of Ceylon is made normally for broken form tea, show auburn. 锡兰的高地茶通常制为碎形茶。
- (Press Trust of India) Indian Foreign Minister Singh is going to visit China at the end of this month. 印度报业托拉斯记者问:印度外长将于本月底访华,请您谈谈印中关系前景、两国边界问题。
- She put herself into their hands with the trust of a little child. 她象小孩儿一样,一切让大家替她作主。
- The King of Ceylon even had a pond where he cultivated pearls for his personal use! 锡兰国王甚至有自己的珍珠池,专培植珍珠供自己享用!