- It was not found that Melampsora rust on poplars had an alternate host in Shanghai.The overwinter uredinia may be one of the preliminary infection sources. 初步研究表明杨叶锈病在上海无转主寄主,初侵染源为病叶上越冬的夏孢子堆。
- Preliminary infection source 初侵染源
- Filariasis of the our country is already basic to be exterminate,but the infection source is not controled the complete,our country still has filariasis patients near one million. 我国的丝虫病虽已基本被消灭,但传染源仍未能完全被控制,而且传播媒介广泛存在。
- Objective To understand the infection sources, care-seek ing behaviour and STD prevention in STD clinic patients. 目的探讨性病患者的感染源、求医和防病等行为特征。
- Objective:To make an epidemiologic investigation and look for infection sources. 目的:对深圳市某一霍乱疫点进行流行病学调查和传染来源追踪。
- Strain subtyping is used to survey infection sources and route of transmission during epidemiological surveys of cholera. 在霍乱流行和暴发调查中,追溯传染源和调查传播途径往往需要对霍乱弧菌进行分型分析。
- Conclusion Rattus norvegicus was the main host amimals and infection sources in Hebei province, which takes an important role in transmitting HFRS. 结论褐家鼠是河北省肾综合征出血热主要的宿主动物和传染源。
- Objective To make diagnosis,identify infective source and infective route of the Streptococcal suis case and identify epidemic rang and epidemic factors. 目的研究安徽省首例人感染猪链球菌病病例,为预防控制该病提供依据。
- The purposes of reconstructive surgery are removal of all infection sources, separation of cranial content from nasal cavity and composite tissue repair. 而重建手术的目的在于移除所有的感染源,确实阻隔颅腔及鼻腔间的通道,以及修复额部的复合式组织缺损。
- Abstract: The major infective source of carnation rust in Xinjiang was found to be transmission of the pathogen uredosorus on young carnations when they are moved from place to place. 文章摘要: 经调查确认,康乃馨锈病在新疆的侵染源主要是来自于产地的夏孢子随着康乃馨种苗远距离传播而至。
- Objective:To isolate,treat and control infections source effectively,the regular of excreted bactenria of medicine resisting typhoid patients were observed in varying time come down with the illness. 目的:观察耐药伤寒病人病后不同时间的排菌规律,为有效地隔离、治疗和控制传染源提供依据。
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 条约草案合约的预备性的草案或纪录
- Objective To explore means and strategies of preventing the spread of schistosomasis transmission due to the building of Ertan Dam.\ Methods\ To eliminate the infection sources and Oncomelania snails. 目的 探讨预防二滩水库运转后造成血吸虫病扩散流行的策略。
- All of them dealed with the injury actively after damage and the person with nerves,fearfulness,with HBV infected sourse,without certain infected source is 57%,14%,42% and 34% respectively. 57%25护理人员被锐器伤后感到害怕,14%25人员感到恐惧; 损伤人员所接触到的感染源HBV为42%25,不祥为34%25。
- Antibiotic can be used against infection. 抗菌素可以用来防止感染。
- The infection is at last responding to medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
- The laboratory diagnosis on the Mycos that are the same homotype but not the same species can help not only to trace the infection sources of the tuberculosis,but also to eliminate them. 通过辨析结核病菌感染及诊断防治中的各种复杂因素,对同型不同物种来源的分枝杆菌进行鉴别,以追踪结核病的传染源,从源头上防治结核病。
- An introductory occurrence or fact; a preliminary. 开端预兆性事件或事实; 开端
- The attacks jumped of without the usual preliminary bombardment. 没有通常的预先轰击,进攻就开始了。
- A preliminary examination of an accused person. 预审对被指控的人的初步审查