- Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team 月球取样初步检查小组
- A preliminary examination of an accused person. 预审对被指控的人的初步审查
- Preliminary Examination Team 初步检查组
- Investigations normally take the form of a preliminary examination. 研究工作通常包括初步验证。
- International preliminary examination report with its annex. 国际初审报告及附件。
- A chemical preliminary examination was carried out on Pugionium cornutum L. 用系统化学预试法对沙芥中的化学成分进行了初步研究。
- Xiaoming got unexpectedly good marks in the preliminary examination. 小明在预考中取得了出人意料的好成绩。
- We have found your brand name is the same as ours through preliminary examination. 经过初步检查,我们发现你们的商标名称与我们的相同。
- Those who have registered and have passed the preliminary examination are called citizens eligible for enlistment. 经兵役登记和初步审查合格的,称应征公民。
- After preliminary examination, Xiao Longmou, male, 27 years old, Hubei Province Huangshi person. 经过初步调查,肖龙某,男,27岁、湖北省黄石市人。
- The banking regulatory bureau shall finish the preliminary examination over the materials within 20 working days and submit them to the CBRC. 银监局应于20个工作日内完成材料的初审工作并转交中国银行业监督管理委员会。
- The banking regulatory bureau shall finish the preliminary examination work and submit the materials to the CBRC within 20 working days. 银监局应于20个工作日内完成初审工作并将材料转交中国银行业监督管理委员会。
- The paper also makes a preliminary examination of the development of catalyst/oil SCT catalytic cracking technology in the future. 有关催化裂化的各种新技术、新设备和新型催化剂的不断出现,不同程度地促进了催化裂化技术的发展。
- After preliminary examination, all materials should be submitted to provincial financial departments and agricultural development orga level by level. 经初审后,逐级报省级财政部门、农发机构。
- This glacier preliminary examination also discovered that the glacier melts has extended upwardly the high elevation glacier area. 这次冰川科考还发现冰川融化已向上延伸到了高海拔冰川区。
- The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall,after preliminary examination of the application,publish it immediately,unless it is to be rejected. 国务院专利行政部门对该申请进行初步审查后,除予以驳回的外,应当立即将申请予以公布。
- The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, after its preliminary examination of the application, publish it immediately unless it is to be rejected. 国务院专利行政部门对该申请进行初步审查后,除予以驳回的外,应当立即将申请予以公布。
- Being had the examinee that achievement arranges in preliminary examination before several every year , be replaced by others because of the reexamination prepare insufficiency. 每年都有在初试中成绩排在前几名的考生,因为复试准备不充分,被别人顶替。
- China's State Intellectual Property Office has been authorized to give preliminary examinations to PCT applicants. 中国国家知识产权局现已成为《专利合作条约》(PCT)的受理局、国际检查和初审单位。
- At 24, he took the preliminary examinations at each of the three monastic universities: Drepung, Sera and Ganden. 当年秋天,达赖喇嘛前往中国北京与中共领导人毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平等会面;