- The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame. 最好采用氧炔焰加热方法。
- This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. 这是为变量赋值的首选方法。
- This is the preferred method for high flow requirements. 对于要求高流速的情况,这是首选的方法。
- Consider the fadeaway jumper, their preferred method to create space. 思考下他们的跳投,他们创造出空间的首选方式。
- This is the preferred method of adding repositories via a terminal-only (server) interface. 这是推荐的通过命令行(服务器)界面添加软件库的方法.
- The preferred method for accessing replication metadata is by using Replication Stored Procedures. 访问复制元数据的首选方法是使用复制存储过程。
- The preferred method for saving nonvolatile registers is to move them onto the stack before the fixed stack allocation. 保存非易失寄存器的首选方法是:在进行固定堆栈分配之前将这些寄存器移入堆栈。
- Joins are the preferred method for comparing fields that have the same data type. 联接是比较数据类型相同的字段的首选方法。
- Speaking on the phone is the preferred method of communication for two-thirds of those looking for love. 在那些真诚寻找爱人的人中,三分之二的人觉得直接打电话给对方是最好的邀约方式。
- International arbitration is the preferred method for the settlement of internat. 国际商业仲裁比较。
- The preferred method is by oxy-acetylene flame. Heat tube first, beginning one inch from edge of valve. 建议采用乙炔火焰对连接部件进行加热。首先从离阀门1英寸的地方开始对管道进行加热
- CT had certain characteristics of tuberculous lymphadenitis, and was the preferred method for diagnosing this disease. 结论:淋巴结结核增强CT表现具有一定特征,是诊断本病的首选方法。
- Either Pirouette or Fly and stop in the Nose-in condition, the preferred method is to Pirouette to nose-in. 由降落区将直升机垂直起飞至与眼睛同高,静止停悬几秒钟。
- A Chuck Norris-delivered Roundhouse Kick is the preferred method of execution in 16 states. 一个由Chuck Norris击出的roundhouse踢是被16个州所公认的最好的死刑执行方法。
- In a society where manners mean discipline, innuendo is the preferred method of sexual engagement. 在这个社会里礼仪意味着纪律,对于性接触,经常使用的方法是隐晦。
- The preferred method of use is Wizard mode, which takes you through a step-by-step process to accurately calibrate the monitor. 首选使用模式是“向导”,遵循该模式的步进过程即可精确校准显示器。
- The preferred method is continuous scouring in open- width washing machines that are called J - boxes because of their shape. 目前推荐使用是的连续煮练平幅设备,根据此设备的外形,取名为j形箱。
- A mild pre-heating of the whole socket area is recommended. apply heat to parts to be joined. The preferred method is by oxy-acetylene flame. 建议对整个管套区域进行适当的预热。建议采用乙炔火焰对连接部件进行加热。
- Since the 17th century, when glass bottles originated, they have been the vintner's preferred method for protecting wine from air. 自从17世纪,当玻璃瓶被发明的时候橡木塞已经成为酒商们最满意的防止葡萄酒氧化的方法了。
- I also learned something about my neighbors in Louisville , Ky., by their preferred method of payment : by the job , the month -- or not at all . 我还通过付款方式了解了我肯塔基州路易维尔的邻居们,他们有的按照工作量付钱,有的按月付,有的干脆不给钱。