- A power conditioning system (PCS) is required at the coilgrid interface. 线圈与电网的接口需要一功率调节系统(pcs)。
- A power conditioning system (PCS) is required at the coil\grid interface. 线圈与电网的接口需要一功率调节系统(PCS)。
- This dissertation is the result of research and development of a power conditioning system for Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage System. 本文旨在研制以数位信号处理器为基础之双向直流-直流功率转换器,作为蓄电池充、放电使用。
- The output voltage range of AMTEC is wide. This paper gives the design of a power conditioning system(PCS),which is composed of a DC/DC converter and a DC/AC converter according to volt-ampere characteristic of AMTEC. 针对碱金属热电转换器(AMTEC)的伏安特性,设计了DC/DC和DC/AC两级变换的功率调节系统。
- High power laser power conditioning system new discharge circuit research 强激光能源系统新型放电回路研究
- system design / power conditioning system 系统设计/功率调节系统
- Tolerance Optimizing Design and Analysis for Power Conditioning System Circuit of High Power Laser Facility 强激光设施能源系统电路的容差设计与分析
- Study on power conditioning system for alkali metal thermal to electric converter 碱金属热电转换器功率调节系统研究
- Power conditioning system of flashlamps pumped kW level solid state heat capacity laser 氙灯泵浦kW级固体热容激光器电源系统
- Research on Real-Time Measuring the Instantaneous Discharging Characteristic for High Power Laser Power Conditioning System 强激光驱动器能源系统瞬态特征实时测控系统研究
- Knowledge of Air conditioning system. 具备空调系统知识。
- Research on Power Conditioning System for the Laser Thermonuclear Fusion 激光热核聚变能源系统研究
- Presents two kinds of seawater air conditioning system (SWAC). 摘要介绍了海水空调的两种形式。
- Power conditioning system 大功率激光电源
- Strongback Structure composite supports fairings and auxiliary power unit and air conditioning system doors. 复合材料定位板支撑的整流罩和辅助动力装置及空气调节系统舱门。
- There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system ) in the work-shop. 这车间里装有一个蒸汽加热系统(空气调节系统)。
- Variable Air Volume ?VAV? System is a energy-saving air conditioning system. 变风量系统是国外较为流行的节能空调系统,国内也开始大量采用。
- Description: Webasfo AG ---- Parking heater,air conditioning system,sunroof. ------驻车加热器、空调系统、天窗。
- There is a steam heating system(air conditioning system) in the kork-shop. 这个车间装有一个蒸气加热系统(空气调节系统)。