- There is a powerful healing energy that emanates from loving. 爱会产生一种强大的有治疗效果的能量。
- DRUID:[/B]Druids are the keepers of the world, followers of the demigod Cenarius who have been granted power over nature, including powerful healing and shapeshifting abilities. 德鲁伊是世界的守护者,半神赛纳留斯的追随者,他们掌握了强大的自然之力,可以悬壶济世,亦可冲锋陷阵;
- DRUID:Druids are the keepers of the world, followers of the demigod Cenarius who have been granted power over nature, including powerful healing and shapeshifting abilities. 德鲁伊是世界的守护者,半神赛纳留斯的追随者,他们掌握了强大的自然之力,可以悬壶济世,亦可冲锋陷阵;
- Every illness holds a lesson for me to learn. My mind is a powerful healing tool. 每次的生病及挫折,我都能从中学到东西。我的意识是强有力的疗愈工具。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- An beautifully and ergonomically designed jade thermal massage bed for powerful healing and relief of human body pain, aches and back problems thru acupressure and far-infrared rays. 一个美丽,并依人体工学设计,玉石热按摩床上,为强大的愈合和救济的人的身体疼痛,疼痛和背部问题,通过穴位按摩及远红外线。
- At the beginning I was very sceptical about the general concept of healing but learning this powerful healing tool brought me the capacity to feel energies and give healing to my self and to others. 在起初,我非常怀疑有关疗愈的概念,但是学会这一有力的疗愈工具让我产生了感受到能量的能力,并能给我自己和别人提供疗愈。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- There is power and healing in gratitude. 这是感恩的力量和疗伤作用。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Power of ur smile, can heal my frozen heart! 你微笑的力量,可以治疗我冷冻的心!
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。
- He values himself on his conversational power. 他常夸耀自己的交谈能力。
- He succeeded in worming himself into power. 他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。
- The soldiers blew up the enemy power plant. 士兵们炸毁了敌人的发电厂。