- Pouch Control Office 邮政总局
- Must I go to the immigration control office? 我必须要到入境管理处吗?
- Each specialized agency and major programme of the UN system has its own control office. 联合国系统的每一个专门机构和主要方案都有自己的控制办公室。
- The foreign exchange control office promulgated documents to further improve to recover and control the foreign exchange. 外汇管理局就进一步改进外汇收汇和外汇管理下发文件予以规范。
- Moreover, the SFC has also set up a network control office, the main network for illegal securities investment consulting for real-time monitoring. 而且,证监会还成立了网络控制办公室,主要对网络非法证券投资咨询进行实时监控。
- In February 2001,a Tobacco Control Office was set up under the Department of Health to co-ordinate and enhance the Government's tobacco control efforts. 二零零一年二月,卫生署成立控烟办公室,负责统筹和加强政府的控烟工作。
- Mr. Eddie Poon, Principal Assistant Secretary for Health Welfare, Health Welfare Bureau and Dr. Henry Kong, Head of Tobacco Control Office, Department of Health were the Guest Award Presenters. 卫生福利局首席助理局长潘太平先生及卫生署控烟办公室主管江永明医生出任颁奖嘉宾。
- The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar. 那个喝醉了的人在酒吧里丢失了钱袋。
- Chen Chuanben, male, born in 1964, graduated from Fujian Medical College in 1986; Associate Senior Physician, department of radiation oncology (head and neck section); Head of Quality Control office. 1964年出生,1986年毕业于福建医科大学,现任质量控制办公室主任、头颈肿瘤放疗病区副主任医师。
- The kangaroos carry their babies in the pouch. 袋鼠把小袋鼠放在育儿袋里。
- The animal control officer in Rock Springs had volunteered to be Snoopy's first driver. 罗克斯普林斯动物管理部门的负责人志愿担任斯努皮的第一位驾驶员。
- A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch. 大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。
- Frank Foley was based in Berlin in the 1930s, working as a passport control officer, and using his position to provide papers for Jewish people. 20世纪30年代时,弗兰克·福利在柏林从事护照签发工作,他利用职务之便为犹太人提供(逃离所必需的)证件。
- ALISO VIEJO, Calif. - Animal control officers seized 82 cats from a couple's home after neighbors complained about the odor they were causing. 近日,美国加州奥林奇县动物管理部门的官员从一对夫妇居住的房屋里抓出了82只猫,事情的起因源于邻居抱怨夫妇的房子臭气熏天。
- HAN-N-S DIV: Gate Traffic Control Office 公车司马门
- The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him. 这老汉总是随身带著烟袋。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- National Group Purchasing Power Control Office 全国控制集团购买力办公室
- An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow. (牛的)乳房有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房
- A temporary egg pouch in various fishes and crustaceans. (鱼类和甲壳类动物的)临时卵袋