- Post Retirement Health Benefit 退休后健康津贴
- Music strikes a soothing chord, but evidence is mixed on its health benefit. 音乐弹拨令人宽慰的和弦,但其对健康有利的迹象却有些含糊。
- The employer wants to cut back health benefits. 雇主想减少健康津贴。
- They speculate, however, that antioxidants present in chocolate may have a health benefit. 然而,他们推测,巧克力中的抗氧化物可能对健康有益。
- Cocoa health benefits may boost West Africa farms. 可可给人们带来的健康好处振兴了西非农场经济。
- The many health benefits of Oil of Oregano. 许多健康的好处油牛。
- They speculate,however,that antioxidants present in chocolate may have a health benefit. 然而,他们推测,巧克力中的抗氧化物可能对健康有益。
- No matter of using which method, it all takes much time or costs much money.Unless researchers have enough funds, few are willing to use SMM or CVM to evaluate the health benefit. 尽管有上述方法可参考使用,但经常矌日费时、经费庞大,因此过去除非研究资源足够,否则很少有研究机构愿意从事此种耗费成本又矌日耗时的工作;
- By 1900, the employment benefits at Zeiss were uncommonly good in their day;these included an eight-hour work day, paid holidays, some forms of health benefits, profit-sharing, and a retirement plan. 在1900年之前,蔡司的雇员们就享有那个时代罕有的好待遇,包括:每日八小时工作制,带薪休假,一些医疗福利待遇,分红和退休保障计划。
- This study tries to empirically investigate the feasibility of using BTM to evaluate Taiwan people’s health benefit obtained from air quality improvement. 故本研究希望运用既有调查资料对效益移转进行实证研究,以了解此方法在推估台湾地区民众因空气污染改善而获得之健康效益的适用性。
- The health benefits of stubbing out the final butt are well-known. 戒烟对健康的益处众所周知。
- Providing all of these nutrients to the body at these optimal or advanced levels that have been shown to provide a health benefit in our medical literature. 向身体提供所有这些营养的优化或高级水平,医学文献中已证明这些营养对健康有益。(这样的语言组织可以吗)
- Krill oils have also proved to have enormous health benefits. 磷虾油也证实有巨大的健康价值。
- The skin produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure (in particular, UVB waves in the 285nm to 287nm range), which can be a health benefit for those with vitamin D deficiency. 皮肤在阳光照射下(特别是285纳米至287纳米范围内的紫外线B段UVB)会产生维他命D,这对缺乏维他命D的人的健康有好处。
- The Board agreed to Johnson's retirement on grounds of ill health. 董事会同意约翰逊因体弱多病而退休。
- Apart from health benefits, what else comes to mind when you think of sports? 运动除了有益身心外,你们还想到甚么呢?
- John lived in the shadow after his retirement. 约翰退休后,过着隐居的生活。
- I am afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。
- After retirement, I'll be master of my time. 退休后,我可以自由支配我的时间了。
- This can make you feel refreshed and might even have health benefits. 这会让您精神为之一振,甚至可能有益于健康。