- Position satisfaction degree 岗位满意度
- The higher the level of learning motivation, the higher their learning satisfaction degree. 五、外籍配偶学员学习动机愈高则学习满意度愈高。
- Objective To find out the asymmetrical influence of services attributes on the satisfaction degree of inpatients. 目的了解服务属性对患者满意度的非对称性影响。
- Volitional control is a great benefit of improving the satisfaction degree with life. 意志控制有利于提高生活满意度水平,能贡献总方差的7%25。
- As system-level maximizes the overall satisfaction degree function, each discipline can acquire the optimum satisfaction solutions, simultaneously. 系统级在满足一致性约束的同时,最大化综合满意度方程,使所有学科同时获得最满意的优化解。
- Conclusions Application of systematic thought in clinic nursing education improves the education quality and increase the satisfaction degree. 结论将系统思维应用于临床护理带教,提高了教学质量,增加了带教满意度。
- Objective To improve the effect of hospitalizing education in priority ward and promote the patients trust and satisfaction degree. 目的提高特诊病人的入院宣教效果,提升病人信任度和满意度。
- A qualitative factor customer satisfaction degree is quantified as service level, then a multi-target programming model is established. 将其中顾客满意度这一定性因素用量化的服务水平代替,由此建立一个多目标规划模型。
- Objective Probe into the satisfaction degree of Medicare for labor workers in Shenzhen and assesses the influencing factors of health service. 目的研究深圳市劳务工医疗保险卫生服务满意度,并评估满意度的影响因素,为提高劳务工卫生服务质量的管理决策提供依据。
- Based on profit satisfaction degree and risk satisfaction degree, this paper presents a new interactive method for transacting combination selection. 针对此问题,本文通过引入收益和风险满意度的概念,给出了一种新的交互式多目标决策方法。
- The curve for satisfaction degree of commodity exchange has been drawn out with S (surplus volume of exchange) and M(the satisfaction degree of exchange). 文中利用交换剩余S量化交换满意程度M,得到商品交换满意程度曲线。
- It existed statistical significance in evaluation score among the other disciplines.It appeared to be linear relation between satisfaction degree to the course and the eval... 结果显示,采用医学硕士公共课程教学质量评价体系能够对教学质量进行有效评价,对今后教学工作的改进和教学质量的不断提高具有指导作用。
- The article starts from the latest studies on the Employee Satisfaction Degree (ESD)home and abroad, narrating the theory and practice of ESD internally and externally. 文章首先从国内外关于员工满意度的研究现状入手,综述了国外和国内理论与实践的研究状况。
- SCI is the most authoritative cited reference source in the world, and the satisfaction degree of cited reference retrieval has direct impact on the results of science evaluation. 摘要SCI作为国际上最具权威性的引文信息源,其引文检索的满意度直接影响了各种科学评价的结果。
- Based on the satisfaction degree of group decision and the users' preference, methods are presented to determine the number and selection method of sharing individuals. 基于群体决策满意度和用户评价偏好,给出了共享个体数量确定方法和共享个体的选择方法。
- A study on 43 middle-school students' families confirmed the test could distinguish the children's evaluation about their parents on female satisfaction degree, rapprochement degree and male comprehension degree. 对43个中学生家庭的研究表明女满意度、和睦程度和男理解程度方面可以区分子女对自己父母的评估。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- Using the customer satisfaction degree index estimating system of agriculture garden, this paper estimates the customer satisfaction degree of Jifa agriculture garden in Beidaihe from quantitative analysis, and points out some developing countermeasures. 摘要本文利用观光农园顾客满意度指数评价体系,采用定量分析的方式,对北戴河集发观光农园的顾客满意度水平进行了评价,并对其经营发展给出针对性建议。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。