- Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog, was a gift from Sen. Edward Kennedy. 波,一个葡萄牙水犬,是一个礼物民主党参议员爱德华肯尼迪。
- "The Obamas have a new White House dog.It is a Portuguese water dog named Bo. “奥巴马一家有了一只新的白宫第一狗,是一只葡萄牙水犬,名字叫波。
- Bo, a Portuguese water dog, feasted on a cake shaped like a dog house that was made out of veal. 波是一条葡萄牙的会水的狗,当时享受一个外形像狗屋实际是用小牛肉制作的蛋糕。
- "How about that Obama dog?They got a new dog.Yeah, a little Portuguese water dog. “奥巴马的狗怎么样?他们有了一只新狗,对,一只小的葡萄牙水犬。
- The Portuguese Water Dog was chosen in part because the breed is hypoallergenic and Malia Obama has allergies. 选择葡萄牙水犬一部分原因是因为玛丽亚欧巴马有过敏症,而此品种具低过敏性。
- But that was unusual.Since the Portuguese water dog arrived last week bundles have been pouring in, some containing tips on his diet, others doggie sweaters. 自从这条葡萄牙水犬上礼拜入住白宫以来,每天都有各种玩意涌入邮箱,有狗狗食谱推荐,也有狗狗穿的衣服。
- The twists and turns of the Portuguese water dog's route to the White House make for the kind of intrigue that political junkies and the highly opinionated dog world delight in. 华盛顿-新任美国第一犬“波”是一只遗弃犬吗?奥巴马总统选择这只纯种犬作为新的家庭宠物,算是信守了还是打破了竞选承诺呢?
- Malia Obama, left, and Sasha Obama, daughters of President Barack Obama, walk with their 6-month-old Portuguese water dog Bo on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on April 14, 2009. 马利亚奥巴马,左,萨莎奥巴马,女儿总统奥巴马,步行其6个月大的葡萄牙水犬波的南草坪,白宫在华盛顿举行的2009年4月14号。
- With a history going back to pre-Christian times, the Portuguese Water Dog travelled with world with 15th century Portuguese explorers, swimming between ships with its webbed feet. 葡萄牙水犬的历史可以追溯到公元前,还曾在15世纪跟随葡萄牙的探险家们周游世界,它们双脚带蹼,常在船只间游来游去。
- "With a history going back to pre-Christian times, the Portuguese Water Dog travelled with world with 15th century Portuguese explorers, swimming between ships with its webbed feet. 葡萄牙水犬的历史可以追溯到公元前,还曾在15世纪跟随葡萄牙的探险家们周游世界,它们双脚带蹼,常在船只间游来游去。
- Portuguese water dogs have become popular in recent years because they don't shed. 葡萄牙水犬原产地为葡萄牙的海岸地带,渔夫经常让这种狗把鱼赶入鱼网。
- Throughout the day on Saturday, celebrity websites and bloggers were abuzz with rumors of the first family's selection of a Portuguese water dog; 肯尼迪议员很喜欢葡萄牙水犬,自己共养了三只。
- Throughout the day, celebrity Web sites and bloggers had been abuzz with rumors of the first family's selection of a Portuguese water dog; 一整天,有名的网站和博客都在讨论着第一家庭挑选葡萄牙水犬的事;
- Portuguese Water Dogn. 葡萄牙水犬
- Is it a dog fallen into water? Luxun called on to beat water dog hardly. 水狗是不是落到水里的狗?需不需要痛打呀?
- And president has made good on the campaign promise to his two young daughters. The girls have finally gotten their puppy, a six-month-old Portuguese water dog. They've named him Bo. 总统兑现了他在大选期间对两个女儿的承诺,她们终于的到了她们的小狗,一只六个月大的葡萄牙水犬,并给它起名为波。
- One day a ship on the surface was hit by a huge wave.A little black and tan terrier was washed over board.It turned into a water dog and became Tom's companion. 有一天,海面上有艘船被大浪袭击,一只棕黑色的小狗坠入水中,变成了一条水狗,它于是成了汤姆的同伴。
- I waved my dog to plunge into the water. 我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- French and Portuguese are Romance languages. 法语和葡萄牙语都是罗曼语。