- Tuition and fees and expenditures for textbooks are waived for primary and middle school students of ethnic-minority origins in some border and poor counties. 对其他一些边境县和贫困县的少数民族中小学免除学杂费和课本费。
- In 1986,the relief standard set by the state for the poor counties on its priority list was less than 150 yuan in the peasants'income per capita in 1985,whereas for autonomous counties,the standard was less than 200 yuan. 1986年,国家重点扶持贫困县标准为1985年农民人均收入低于150元,而民族自治地方县的标准则放宽到低于200元。
- the national level of poor counties 国家级贫困县
- In July 1995,the Southwestern China-World Bank Loan Project started in the 35 state-designated poorest counties in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 其中中国西南世界银行贷款项目于1995年7月开始在云南、贵州、广西三省(区)最贫困的35个国定贫困县实施。
- Changes and Their Causes of Household Income in Poor Counties 贫困县农户收入的变化及原因分析
- In July 1995, the Southwestern China-World Bank Loan Project started in the 35 state-designated poorest counties in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 其中中国西南世界银行贷款项目于1995年7月开始在云南、贵州、广西三省(区)最贫困的35个国定贫困县实施。
- The main characters were Don Quixote ,a poor county gentleman who has read too many chivalric romances. His companion was Sancho Panza. 小说中的主要人物是唐.;吉诃德,他是一个穷乡绅,他读了许多骑士冒险小说,他的同伴叫桑丘
- Our friend MGG is one of the founding members of this project and he went to Na Biao (a very poor county in a remote area) last year. 我们的朋友,MGG,是支援那标小学项目的牵头人之一。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- The poor chap gets terrifically het up. 这个可怜的人气得要命。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- The poor old man shuffled off in his worn shoes. 这位可怜的老人穿希破烂不堪的鞋子一步一拖地走。
- Between forestry large county and forestry poor county inconsonant, become week of serious topic for discussion that allows to prefectural forestry bureau the leading group thinks newly. 林业大县与林业穷县之间的不协和,成为周至县林业局新的一任领导班子思考的重要议题。
- Poor Lionel went to pieces after his wife died. 可怜的莱昂内尔在妻子死后垮了下来。
- The poor old man has come down to the bedrock. 那可怜的老人只剩下最后一块钱了。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- The Duvaliers had managed to dominate, pillage, and mismanage Haiti until it was the poorest county in our hemisphere. 杜瓦利埃父子在海地独揽大权,横征暴敛,治国无方,把海地经营成了我们这个半球上最贫穷的国家。
- I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了。
- His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他对穷人的关心只不过是做做样子罢了。
- Poor girl, I feel for you, toothache is painful. 可怜的姑娘,我都替你难受,牙痛真够呛。