- The receivership is the result of an unfortunate Ponzi scheme. 公司遭破产接管可谓庞氏投资骗局的不幸结局。
- The man behind a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme is in court today. 一名涉及几十亿美元商业诈骗案男子今日受审。
- In the world of finance, describing something as a Ponzi scheme is a standard form of abuse. 在金融界,把事物描述成庞式计划,是不折不扣的辱骂。
- A Ponzi scheme does not generate any wealth whatsoever;that is why it ultimately collapses. 庞氏骗局本身并不会创造任何的财富,而这正是它为什么最终崩溃的原因。
- The novel Chance by Joseph Conrad depicted a Ponzi scheme in 1914 before Ponzi himself had hit the scene. 小说机会,由约瑟夫康拉德描绘出一幅主人计划在1914年前,主人自己击中了现场。
- For all its malevolence, the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money. 出于恶意,苏联帝国被描述为庞氏骗局,依赖于不断增长的金钱来运行。
- The Massachusetts complaint does not allege that Fairfield knew Mr Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme. 马萨诸塞州的控告中并未提到Fairfield已知道麦道夫的旁氏骗局。
- That doesn't mean China wants to risk more money on a Ponzi scheme in its last throes. 不过,这并不意味着中国打算拿更多的钱在这个庞兹骗局中冒险,作最后的挣扎。
- Bernie Madoff received a 150-year jail sentence for defrauding clients of $65 billion in his Ponzi scheme. Bernie Madoff通过Ponzi方案欺骗了顾客650万美元,为此受到了150年的监狱审判。
- The high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) require an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. 高回报主人一个广告计划(自付)要求越来越资金流通,从投资,以保持该计划仍在进行中。
- Social Security is unsustainable because it is not meeting the first order condition of a Ponzi scheme, namely expanding the pool of suckers. 社保基金之所以不稳定在于它未能遵循庞氏骗局里的第一准则,即“发展下线”。
- However, a US court decided that it is beneficial to investors to collect the remaining assets of Tang's Ponzi scheme and redistribute them. 但是,德州法庭作出破产接管的决定是考虑到搜寻唐的庞氏骗局剩余资产并进行重新分配会对投资者有益。
- The company has no intention of resurrecting the investment management side of Mr Madoff's business, which was the Ponzi scheme. 该公司无意恢复马多夫业务中的投资管理部分,即马多夫的庞式骗局。
- Financier Bernard Madoff traded his luxury penthouse for a tiny jail cell after pleading guilty to a massive Ponzi scheme. 金融家麦道夫就大型庞氏骗局认罪后,他从豪华的楼顶套间被关押到狭小的监狱中。
- Madoff, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to masterminding a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, has been at the Butner prison complex since July. 自7月份以来,他一直在布特纳监狱服刑。
- The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. 庞齐手头其实并没有投资项目,他是用后期投资者交付的资金支付前期投资者,充作高额投资回报。
- Take the two celebrities who recently died and who went from amassing fortunes to fending off creditors and foreclosure, albeit at their own doing, rather than a Ponzi scheme. 以不久前去世的两位名人为例,他们都从家财万贯落到了债务缠身的境地,不过原因在于他们自己,而不是因为上当受骗。
- On 20 September 2007 ,a complaint was filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, accusing political fund-raiser Norman Hsu of operating a Ponzi scheme. 对2007年9月20日,控诉联邦地方法院在曼哈顿,指责政治募捐诺曼许经营计划的主人。
- The perpetuation of the high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. 庞兹1903年从意大利移民到美国,1920年开始从事投资欺诈,短短半年间便从一个默默无名的穷商人,变成波士顿家喻户晓的百万富翁。
- Bernard L.Madoff returned to federal court on Thursday morning and pleaded guilty to all the charges against him in a vast Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars. 伯纳德 麦道夫 周四早上重回联邦法院并对庞氏骗局中骗取投资者数十亿美元的所有指控一一认罪。