- Just as Britain is the heartland of the leftist-Muslim partnership, it is also the main locus of a sharp and trenchant critique of political Islam. 英国既是左翼-穆斯林合作的中心地带,同时又是烽烟四起的前哨阵地。犀利刻薄的批评声不绝于耳,矛头直指政治伊斯兰。
- Given the growth of political Islam, and the fact that Mr Pollack deems many Arab countries to be on the point of revolution, perhaps not. 考虑到伊斯兰政治力量不断增长,和珀拉克认为许多阿拉伯国家即将爆发革命的事实,答案是:不大可能。
- But in the Sunni world political Islam comes in a bewildering variety of forms.Shia thinking on the political role of Islam is divided, too. 不过逊尼派范围内的伊斯兰政治模式五花八门,什叶派关于伊斯兰教政治地位的思想同样也不统一。
- Mr Crooke says at the outset that he intends to convey the excitement that political Islam[1]arouses in him and to correct the usual Western caricatures. 一开始克鲁克说,他打算把政治伊斯兰[1]使他感受到的兴奋传递到纠正西方通常漫画的错误上。
- The latter's effort to realign the left in support of American imperialism and in fear of political Islam was always a stretch and has proved central to New Labour's undoing. 后者为支持美国的扩张而改组左翼的努力和对政治伊斯兰的恐惧一直以来是片面的,这也证明是新工党失败的主要原因。
- In his first appearance as president in a Muslim nation, Obama addressed Turkey's slaughter of Armenians during World War I and the rising power of political Islam. 4月5日,美国总统奥巴马抵达土耳其首都安卡拉。这也是奥巴马就任美国总统以来第一次访问伊斯兰国家。奥巴马说,美国没有,也不会与伊斯兰世界为敌。
- The attempt to elevate Mr Gul to the powerful presidency had prompted millions of pro-secular Turks, wary of Mr Gul's earlier flirtation with political Islam, to take to the streets. 在此前的危机中,正发党试图让居尔成为握有大权的总统,这促使数百万土耳其世俗主义者走上街头抗议,它们对居尔早年与伊斯兰主义的暧昧关系极为警醒。
- His creative thought and exploration became an important part of the Post Islamism transition and presented us a new vision of perceiving the development tendency of the political Islam. 格努西开创性的思想探索,构成了后伊斯兰主义转向中的重要组成部分,为我们深入认识政治伊斯兰的发展趋势打开了新视野。
- Rashid Ghannoushi criticized the poverty of the political Islamic movement in thinking, put forward the compatibility of the Islam and democracy and the thought of the Islamic civil societies. 他批判了政治伊斯兰运动的思想贫困,初步提出了伊斯兰与民主的相容性和伊斯兰公民社会等思想。
- It was partly filled by political Islamism, with its dream not merely of a single Arab state but of a united Islamic society or umma, run along the guidelines of Islamic law. 而这又被政治化伊斯兰主义所部分填充,该主义不只是代表单个阿拉伯国家的愿望,而是承载着团结伊斯兰社会或乌玛(umma)的梦想,依照伊斯兰法(Islamic law)的指引而前进。
- The Koran is the sacred book of Islam. 《可兰经》是回教的圣典。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
- He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场。
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。
- You and I belong to different political camps. 你和我属于不同的政治阵营。
- The police began to slap down political opposition. 警察开始压制政治上的反对势力。
- The Sunni compose about90 per cent of present-day Islam. 目前回教百分之九十属於正统派。