- An intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals. 加强追捕罪犯时警察活动的增强
- The office has been humming with activity. 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
- It should be noted however that police actively discourage self defense in general and armed self defence is widely considered to be illegal. 需要提醒的是,警察在通常情况下总是不鼓励自我防卫的,而且总的来说,在自我防卫中使用武器是违法的。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 战争的威胁使经济萧条。
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相当热闹。
- The town was humming with activity. 该市镇生气勃勃,呈现一片热闹的景象。
- Stamp collecting is my favorite activity. 集邮是我最喜爱的消遣。
- The store was a scene of great activity. 这家商店顾客盈门。
- He once engaged in anti-government activity. 他一度从事反政府的活动。
- The office is humming with activity. 办公室里一片忙碌。
- A center of interest or activity. 中心兴趣或活动的中心
- Showing no optical activity in polarized light. 无旋光的极化光下无光学反应的
- The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour. 在午饭时间,值班教师负责维持校内秩序。
- An increase, as in movement or business activity. 进步,改进,改善运动或商业活动的进步或兴隆
- Indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity. 纵欲; 追求肉欲对性行为的放纵或追求
- The phenomena associated with volcanic activity. 火山现象与火山活动有关的现象
- What Goes Wrong In American Policing Work? 美国警方反思警务工作中的偏差?
- To my mind, this was very smart policing. 在我看来,这是非常聪明的警戒手段。
- A range of endeavor or activity; a province. 范围努力做 ... 的范围或活动范围; 范围
- Strict regulations that paralyze economic activity. 阻碍经济活动的严格的规章制度