- Poisoning by sleeping drug 催眠药中毒
- Get rid off by sleeping,as of a hangover. 通过睡眠治好,如宿醉。
- The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills. 该死亡事件被判定为服用安眠药自杀。
- I anesthetize my sensitiveness by sleep. 妈妈的声音真的好温柔。
- Sometimes I want to react by sleeping on a separate bed. 有时候我想要以分床睡的方式作出回应。
- Poisoning by sleeping pill 催眠丸剂中毒
- Poisoning by sleeping tablet 催眠片剂中毒
- Lead poisoning( or plumbism ): Poisoning by accumulation of lead in the body. 铅中毒:铅在体内积累引起的中毒。
- Are our children being poisoned by lead in the atmosphere? 我们的儿童是否受著空气中铅的毒害?
- Objective To investigate whether methemoglobinemia occurs in all or majority of acute poisoning by chlordimeform. 目的探讨杀虫脒急性中毒是否全数或多数出现高铁血红蛋白血症。
- The dyssomnia characteristics of the aged included bedtime reduction,sleep efficacy degrading,sleep disorders increasing and more sleeping drug use. 老年人睡眠不良以睡眠时间减少,睡眠效率降低,睡眠障碍多,催眠药物使用多为特点。
- He is poisoned by eating rotten meat. 他由于吃了腐肉而中毒。
- In our world poisoned by exploitation. 在我们这个被剥削毒害的世界。
- He was poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms. 等。例如:他因食用毒蘑菇而中毒。
- That ascent of the Matterhorn was so slow we ended by sleeping just below the summit. 攀登马塔角是如此之慢,以至于结束攀登时我们睡在了山顶的紧下方。
- We can sometimes be poisoned by bad food. 吃坏的食物会使我们中毒。
- Some people were poisoned by pesticides. 有些人农药中毒。
- Some travel in recreational vehicles (RVs) to camp out in comfort, while others “rough it” by sleeping in tents. 有些人则睡帐篷尝试野外生活。
- Amanita is a general name of a kind of fungi.95% poisoning by eating wild mushroom by mistaking was caused by Amanita. 鹅膏菌是一类真菌的总称,误食野生蘑菇的中毒事件中,95%25以上由鹅膏菌引起。
- Some travel in recreational vehicles (RVs) to camp out in comfort, while others "rough it" by sleeping in tents. 胆子大的人到亚洲和非洲去探险狩猎作长途旅行,享受一辈子难得一次的刺激。