- Poinearé映射Poincaré map
- space可以用来改变字体中默认间距的值。Space allows you to change the default value of a space in a font.
- 基于Strand Space模型的CCITT X.509协议分析Analysis of CCITT X.509 Based on Strand Space Model
- 视图sys.dm_db_file_space_usage仅适用于tempdb。The view sys. Dm_db_file_space_usage is applicable only to tempdb.
- 本示例使用Space函数返回由指定数量空格组成的字符串。This example uses the Space function to return a string consisting of a specified number of spaces.
- 由SPACE键激活时,此方法将更新单元格的用户界面(UI)。When activated by the SPACE key, this method updates the cell's user interface (UI).
- 计算机上的电源管理设置会影响Windows Meeting Space的性能。Power management settings on your computer can affect the performance of Windows Meeting Space.
- Instantiation Space逻辑在公钥认证协议形式化分析中的应用The Application of Instantiation Space Logic in Formal Analysis of Public Key Authentication Protocols
- 指定应使用free_space百分比值作为填充因子的反数,重新生成目标数据库的表索引。Specifies that indexes on tables in the target database should be rebuilt by using the free_space percent value as the inverse of the fill factor.
- DYNAMIC-SPACE-设计创意给厨房带来更多运动和空间利用质量,从而带来更多舒适体验Blum's DYNAMIC SPACE planning concept improves the quality of space usage and motion and brings more comfort to kitchens
- 在开始标记中键入SPACE时,也可以获得一个下拉列表,显示可以添加到当前元素中的所有属性。When you type SPACE from inside a start tag, you also get a drop-down list showing all attributes that can be added to the current element.
- 二是社会文化层次如cyber-space、cyber-culture为代表的社会关系与文化形式意义上的概念;; The second is social and cultural, such as cyberspace and cyber-culture.
- 同时在Windows XP环境下,用VC++6. 0平台开发完成了CSC(Co1or Space Conversion) 1. 0软件。At the same time, a software for CSC(Color Space Conversion)1. 0 is developed under the environment of Microsoft Visual C++6.0 base on the operating system of Windows XP.
- space(为可数和不可数名词)和room(不可数名词)最通用,指不确定的范围,可容下某物或符合某目的Space(countable and uncountable)and room(uncountable) are the most general and suggest an undefined area,big enough for something or for a purpose space
- 下列示例使用目录视图sys.database_files和动态管理视图sys.dm_db_file_space_usage返回tempdb数据库的大小信息。The following examples use the catalog view sys. Database_files and the dynamic management view sys. Dm_db_file_space_usage to return size information for the tempdb database.
- 串空间(STRAND SPACE)模型由Fabrega, Herzog和Guttman三人提出,是分析安全协议的一种实用、直观和严格的形式化方法。This paper makes a summary of seurity of protocols and formal method in chapter 2.Strand Space, brought forward by Fabrega, Herzog and Guttman, is a applied, intuitionistic and strict formal method for security protocols analysis.
- 属性的值可以被用来作为选择的准则,normalize-space函数删除了前部和尾部的空格,并且把连续的空格串替换为一个单一的空格。Values of attributes can be used as selection criteria. Function normalize-space removes leading and trailing spaces and replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space.
- normalize-space函数返回一个这样的新串:将输入串的开头和结尾空格符全部去掉,然后把串内的连续空格符替换为单个空格,再返回。The normalize-space function returns the argument string with white space normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences of whitespace characters by a single space.
- 串空间(strand Space)模型是由Fabrega、Herzog和Guttman三人提出的一种形式化方法,它使用一种结点间存在因果关系的有向图来表示协议的运行。FabregaN Herzog and Guttman proposed a kind of formal methods named STRAND SPACE MODEL,which uses a kind of order graph between its nodes existing casual relationship to represent protocol executions.