- Poetics of Huang Shangu 山谷诗学
- Shuangjing village, the birthplace of Huang Tinjian, has some views such as Shangu Park, the tomb of Huang tinjian. 黄庭坚故里双井村有山谷公园、黄庭坚墓等景观。
- The playful "eyah" didn't just come off the top of Huang's head. 让众人发笑的“咿呀”,也不是随随便便命名的。
- The heroic deeds of Huang Jiguang deserve to be recorded in letters of gold. 黄继光的英勇事迹值得大书特书。
- When he was writing in his diary,his eye fell on the picture of Huang Jiguang. 他在写日记时,看到了黄继光那张照片。
- Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of reverie, tr. Daniel Russell, beacon Press, Boston, "Reverie and Cosmos", pp.171-212. 巴什拉,梦想的诗学,刘自强译,生活读书新知三联书店,北京,1996,第五章,〈梦想与宇宙〉,页217-268.
- The inquisition of basic satisfying degree on external environment of Huang. 长沙黄兴南路步行街外部环境基本满意度调查。
- Part two:It analyses Milan Kundera's novel from the viewpoint of the poetics of novels. 第二部分:从小说诗学的角度来分析米兰·昆德拉小说文本。
- When he was writing in his diary, his eye fell on the picture of Huang Jiguang. 他在写日记时,看到了黄继光那张照片。
- This paper discusses legality, contextualization and narration in the poetics of Afro-American autobiography. 摘要探讨了八九十年代美国非洲裔自传诗学的合法性,语境化及其自传叙事策略等方面的问题。
- This gang of Huang Yan rains when the day namely becomes the niter acid rain. 这股黄烟在天下雨时即成为硝酸雨。
- This house is like a sculpture symbolizing the beauty of restlessness and the poetics of velocity. 这座建筑就像是一个雕塑,象征着街道嘈杂的美学和速度的诗学。
- Taufik is the Beijing Olympics, losing in the first round of Huang Zonghan. 北京奥运会时陶菲克就是在首轮不敌黄宗翰。
- Gayle Greene,Doris Lessing:The Poetics of Change[M].U.S.:The University of Michigan Press,1994:2. 作者简介:李玉萍(1972-),沈阳农业大学外语教学部讲师,硕士,从事英语教学与英国文学研究。参考文献:
- The paper proceeds the research of Huang Yuji systematically and completely. 全文较全面系统地对黄虞稷进行了研究。
- Poetics of dynamics includes heterogeneity, velocity, spontaneity and interaction between the reader and the text. 动力诗学观包括异质性、速度性、即兴性、读者文本互动性等特征。
- This paper, from the perspective of poetics of readership and the translator's, explores how poetics manipulates in Zhou Shoujuan's translation. 从读者与译者关系角度.;探讨了诗学对周瘦鹃翻译的影响
- He discoursed upon the poetic style of John Keats. 他讲了约翰•济慈的诗歌风格。
- Translators often have to adapt a foreign work of literature to the poetics of that receiving culture to make it acceptable to the receiving culture. 为了使译人语读者易于接受外国文学作品,译者常常需要对原文作些改动,以使译文符合译人语的诗学要求。
- Bachelard, G. (1969). The poetics of space: The classic look at how we experience intimate places. New York: Beacon Press. 哲学家巴许拉带领我们从地窖到阁楼,去体会我们对于住宅的知觉如何形塑我们的思想、记忆和梦。