- Compare clip, pare, prune, trim and shave. 试比较clip、 pare、 prune、 trim、 shave这几个词.
- Compare clip,pare,prune,trim and shave. 试比较clip,pare,prune,trim and shave这几个词
- Pluck and shave 拔毛剃毛
- The job requires extra pluck and zeal from every young wage earner. 这项工作要求每个挣工资度日的年轻人特别的勇气和热情。
- Those two represent all string, pluck and wind instruments. 而这两项代表所有的弦乐、弹拨及吹管乐器。
- I need a new supply of razors and shaving cream. 我需要新的剃须刀和剃须膏。
- The nurse washed and shaved him. 护士给他洗了脸,刮了胡子。
- To show pluck and perseverance in the face of opposition or adversity. 坚持到底在对立和逆境中显示出勇气和耐力
- The nurse washed and shaved the patient. 护士给病人清洗皮肤、刮去毛发.
- A hair cut and shave? 理发加修面?
- So get him to skip the comb over, take the plunge, and shave it all off. 所以,让他别再把稀发拢过头顶了,而要果断采取行动,把头发全部剃光。
- Many have thought that Bodhisattva's wear orange robes and shave their heads. 很多人认为菩萨穿戴着橙色的长袍,剃光了自己的脑袋。
- If a woman tells you you're so manly, you'd better take a shower and shave!!! 如果一个女人告诉你“你真有男人味”,那你最好去洗个澡,刮刮胡子。)
- Tea cultivation, being a labor-intensive enterprise, required sufficient number of workers to plant, tend, pluck and finally package the produce. 茶叶种植是一项劳动密集型工作,需要大量的工人进行种植、养护、采摘以及最后包装产品。
- At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. 约伯便起来,撕裂外袍,剃了头,伏在地上下拜。
- Major League Baseball has profited off this for years and they owe something to the kids they pluck and the ones they cast aside, too. 大联盟一直以来都收取了极大的利益,因此也亏欠了他们拉拔及丢弃一边的球员。
- Main : Application: it is used for cutting and shaving the veneer. 主要用途:用于对单板的剪断和齐边。
- Did he look after him when he was sick and feeble? Did he bathe him and dress him and shave him? 爸爸生病虚弱的时候,给他洗过澡,换过衣裳,刮过脸吗,照顾过他吧?
- Mr.Henrich liked to grow out his beard during the winter and shave(刮)it off later in the spring. 亨利克先生爱冬季蓄起胡子,到了春季又刮光。
- His quick shower and shave had left him looking reasonably presentable but had done little to ease his anxiety. 虽然匆忙的洗梳之后让他看起来还算过得去,但他心中的焦虑却无法立即抚平。