- Plesiochrysa eudoran. 小斑波草蛉
- Unable to find any eudora settings. 无法找到任何Eudora设置。
- But my Eudora (email client) is not working right. 谢谢!!我直接把时区设成美国中部,就可以了。
- You name your childen Eudora, Mozilla and Dotcom. (你给孩子取名Eudora(浏览器名), Mozilla还有Dotcom。)
- Eudora Welty is one of the leading writers in American Southern Literature. 尤多拉·韦尔蒂是美国二十世纪南方文学的代表作家之一。
- Imports mailboxes and address books from Eudora version ZZ.x and later. 从Eudora版本ZZ.;x及更高版本中导入邮箱和通讯录。
- Eudora Welty is one of the leading writers of South American Literature. 尤多拉.;韦尔蒂是美国南方文学的代表作家之一。
- Version of Eudora Pro Email 4.2 is forward this direction tries hard. Eudora Pro Email 4.;2版本就是朝着这个方向努力的。
- Eudora offers a unique environment and menu, located near the Lido Hotel in Northeast Beijing. 自开业以来,倍受中外宾客一致好评。
- Among the Southern American outstanding writers, Eudora Welty (1909-) is celebrated as one of everlasting prestige. 在灿若群星的美国南方作家中,女作家尤多拉·韦尔蒂(1909-)是一颗别具光辉的恒星。
- Outlook 2002 and 2003 do not support direct import of Qualcomm Eudora 6. X e-mail messages and address books. Outlook 2002和2003不支持直接导入Qualcomm Eudora 6.;x电子邮件和通讯簿。
- Reading mail with Eudora is simplicity itself, the hardest part is getting the mail into your mailbox. 用Eudora阅读邮件是简单易行的,最困难的是将信件放入你的信箱。
- Eudora station is located near the Lido Hotel in Northeast Beijing, one of the Beijing's best restaurants and bars. 亿多瑞站西餐吧坐落在京东丽都商圈,为顾客提供独一无二的就餐环境和美食酒水,是北京最好的餐馆和酒吧之一。
- Eudora provides a special place for its employees and its mix of domestic and international clients. 为顾客提供了幽雅舒适的就餐环境,同时也为员工提供了良好的工作氛围。
- QK SMTP Server can work with most mail clients, such as Outlook Express, Eudora, IncrediMail, the Bat! 歧口SMTP服务器可以与大多数邮件客户端程序,例如Outlook Express , Eudora和incredimail ,蝙蝠!
- Miranda, Eva and Plisse-Rondo are three women characters written by the famous American southern writers Katherine Anne Porter and Eudora Wetly. 米兰达、伊娃和普利斯·兰多分别是美国著名南方女作家凯瑟琳·安·波特和尤多拉·韦尔蒂塑造的三位文学形象。
- We assume here that you have already set up Eudora, for start Eudora by clicking her Program Manager icon, which looks like an envelope. 我们假定你已安装了Eudora,启动Eudora时需单南击程序管理器上的图标,图标像一个信封。
- The Golden Apples, which Eudora Welty described as her favoritebook, is the most complex and highly symbolic collection of stories. 尤多拉·韦尔蒂本人最喜欢的作品《金苹果》是一组内容丰富并具有高度象征意义的短篇小说集。
- Automatic Name and Address Completion: Eudora automatically completes the recipient name you are typing using information from your Address Book. 可移动的广告视窗让使用者可以自行移到适当的位置,或是独立成一个视窗也可以。
- Windows Mail can import messages from a variety of popular e-mail programs, such as Eudora and Netscape Communicator, as well as from Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook. Windows Mail可从各种流行的电子邮件程序(如Eudora、Netscape Communicator、Microsoft Exchange和Microsoft Outlook等)中导入邮件。