- Out of Use, Please use the other doors 此门关闭,请走旁门
- Please use the other door 衣走旁门
- Please use the crossing to get to the other side of the street. 请从交叉口进入反向街道。
- If the entrance you choose is temporarily down, please use the other entrances. 如果你选的入口暂时停止运作,请选用别的入口。
- Teller A: Sorry sir, please use the next teller. 出纳员甲:对不起先生,请到隔壁柜台。
- Please use the apparatus we have calibrated. 请使用我们自己校验过的仪表。
- Please use the brush to put BBQ sauce on the beef. 请把烤肉酱用刷子刷在牛肉上。
- Please use the underpass over there. It's safe. 请使用那边的地下通道那是安全的。
- Please use the overpass to cross the street. 过马路请走天桥。
- Please use the public telephone near the elevator. 请使用电梯附近的公共电话。
- Please use the form below to sign our guestbook. 请用下列的表格留下您的大名与留言.
- Pedestrians, please use the pedestrian lane. 行人请走斑马线。
- Please use the sandbox for any other tests you may want to do. 您还需要进行进一步的测试的話,请使用沙盒。
- The lift's out of order. Please use the stairs. 电梯待修,请用楼梯。
- We had to squash up to make room for the others who wanted to use the lift. 我们得挤出空位让其他想搭电梯的人进来。
- Teller C: Please use the next teller, sir. 出纳员丙:先生,请到下一个柜台。
- Please use the crosswalk to cross the road. 过马路请走人行横道。
- Can't you use the other in case of need? 贵公司不能在必要情况下使用另一张吗?
- Teller B: I'm closing. Please use the next teller. 出纳员乙:我正准备下班,请利用下一个柜台。
- Please use the left navigation to get around. 请使用左航行回避。