- Please use other doors 请走其它门
- Out of Use, Please use the other doors 此门关闭,请走旁门
- Installation of the operating system approaches : 1 : If you are win98 into pure DOS system, if you WIN2000, please use other disk boot the system. 如果你懂一点汇编和操作系统的知识的话,请多多联系。操作系统安装办法: 1:如果你是win98,进入纯DOS系统,如果你是win2000,请用其他磁盘启动系统。
- Please use something hold the door open. 请用什么东西把门撑住不让关上。
- Please use words suitable to this occasion. 请用适合该场合的言词。
- Please use the other door 衣走旁门
- Please use the crossing to get to the other side of the street. 请从交叉口进入反向街道。
- Please use the sandbox for any other tests you may want to do. 您还需要进行进一步的测试的話,请使用沙盒。
- Do you use other security software? 您有否使用其他安全软件?
- Down the corridor, figures were running out of other doors. 沿着走廊,人们正纷纷从别的门里跑出来。
- Use other string syntaxes instead. 用其它字符串语法替代。
- Use other weapons for long distances. 用其它武器进行远程战。
- Use other flashcard's save files directly. 可以直接拷贝使用其他烧录卡的存档。
- The lift's out of order. Please use the stairs. 电梯待修,请用楼梯。
- And also tell me how to use other switches. 同时也告诉我怎样使用其他开关。
- Please use valid Hongkong Post e-Cert. 请使用有效的香港邮政电子证书.
- Refer to netmeeting online help for using other netmeeting functionality. 使用NetMeeting其它功能,请参阅NetMeeting联机帮助。
- Please use me as a reference if you wish. 如果你愿意,请让我做你的介绍人。
- Using other people for one's own profit is immoral. 利用别人来谋取私利是不道德的。
- Teller A: Sorry sir, please use the next teller. 出纳员甲:对不起先生,请到隔壁柜台。