- ALook at the passage'Please send me a card'. Put a line under all the verbs which tell us what happened to the writer when he was on holiday in Italy. 重读课文,找出那些说明作者在意大利度假时所发生的事情的动词,在这些动词的下面划上横线。
- Please send me a card. 请寄一张明信片来。
- Please send me a receipt for the money. 请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。
- Would you please send me a copy of your catalog. 请把你的目录送我一份。
- Please send me a wire before you come here. 你来之前请给我发一份电报。
- Please send me a boy to help me with the luggage. 请派一位服务生来帮我拿行李。
- Please send me a catalogue and an application for admission. 请函寄贵校简章与入学申请表格各一份。
- Please sent me a word as to the other comrades'views. 请给我写一封短信,告诉我其他同志的看法。
- Please send me a porter to take my luggage to the door. 请找个行李员把行李拿到门口。
- Would you please send me a copy of this ebook? Thank you very much! 嵌入式编程思想---集网上精华于一体(强烈推荐给大家)
- Please send me a text message about when the meeting will be held. 具体会议时间请发短信息通知我。
- Please send me a telex as soon as you are in the market for any king of article. 您需要什么东西请来个电传。
- She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。
- Please send me literature about your tour to italy. 请给我寄贵公司有关意大利旅游项目的文字材料。
- Please send me the articles on order by goods. 请将我所订的货物经铁路运来。
- I would like to apply for CPP for prior post-secondary studies. Please send me a CPP application form. 我愿意继续申请注册采购师。
- Can you provide original MTC , if you can please send me a copy of MTC( H-beam .I-beam ,plate) by ?email in PDF format. 能否把MTC(可能是桅杆型起重机吧)的原始数据提供给我,包括H型吊臂、I型吊臂、以及平板式吊臂,如果有这个数据的话,请用PDF格式发电子邮件给我。
- Please send me your account or a detailed account. 请把你的帐目或明细帐目交给我。
- Please send me a receipt. Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt. 请寄回收据;捐款港币%24100元或以上可凭收据申请减扣税项.
- Talk about mean! She didn't even buy me a card. 这才叫吝啬呢!她连张贺卡都没给我买。