- Please fasten seat belt. 请系好安全带。
- The plane's take off. Please fasten your seat belt. 飞机起飞了。请系好安全带。
- Sir, please fasten your seat belt. 先生,请系好你的安全带。
- For your own safety,please fasten your seat belt. 为了您自身的安全,请系好安全带。
- Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety. 为了你自身的安全,请不要在飞机上抽烟。
- We'll take off soon. Please fasten your seat belt. 我们马上就要起飞了。请系好您的安全带。
- The plane's taken off. Please fasten your seat belt. 飞机起飞了。请系好安全带。
- The plane 's taken off. Please fasten your seat belt . 飞机起飞了。 请系好安全带。
- Please fasten your seat belt while the plane is taking off. 飞机起飞时请系好安全带。
- The plane 's taking off. Please fasten your seat belt. 飞机起飞了。请系好安全带。
- The plane 's taken off. Please fasten your seat belt. 飞机起飞了。请系好安全带。
- We are experiencing some turbulence, please fasten your seat belt. 我们正遇见乱流,请系好你们的安全带。
- For your own safety, please fasten your seat belts. 空中小姐:为了安全起见,请系紧安全带。
- For your own safety,please fasten your seat belts. 安全起见,请系紧安全带。
- Would you please fasten your seat belt and put your seat back to the upright position? We're going to take off shortly. 请你系好安全带,把座位调回原位,我们快要起飞了。
- We have entered an area of turbulence and the plane may be very bumpy. Please fasten your seat belt and don't walk about in the cabin. 我们已经进入乱流区域,飞机可能会颠簸,请您系好安全带,不要在机舱内走动。
- Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened during taxiing, take-off, landing and encountering air turbulence or whenever the Fasten Seat Belt signs are ON. 座位上安全带使用时请将连接片插入锁扣内,当飞机起飞、着陆和飞行中遇到颠簸以及“系好安全带”指示灯亮时,请您将安全带扣好系紧。解开时,先将锁口打开,然后拉出连接片。
- Air hostess: The Captain has extinguished the fastened seat belt sign, please feel free to move aimlessly around the cabin. 空中小姐:现在要求系上皮带的红灯已经熄灭了,各位旅客可以在机舱里自由的活动了。
- Please fasten your seat belt. 请系好你的座椅安全带。
- May we remind you to keep your seat belt fastened until the "fasten seat belt"sign is turned off. 请允许我们提醒您系好安全带,直到"系好安全带"的指示灯熄灭。