- The rogue passed it off as genuine. 那坏蛋拿它以假乱真。
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。
- She's go to play the opening bar of the sonata. 她准备演奏这支奏鸣曲的开始数小节。
- The rogue was beaten to within an inch of his life. 那恶棍被打得半死。
- She was chosen to play the heroine in this film. 她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角。
- I can play the piano after a fashion. 我多少会弹点钢琴。
- The rogue assaulted him with intent to kill. 这流氓攻击他,想把他打死。
- He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw. 他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。
- He practise play the violin regularly. 他有恒地练习小提琴。
- She is learning to play the piano. 她在学弹钢琴。
- John will play the guitar if Mary will. 如果玛丽演奏吉它的话,约翰也将演奏吉它。
- She gave the rogue a smash on the underjaw. 她朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。
- Play the highest card in your longest suit. 打你手中最长套的大牌。
- I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well. 我唱自己谱曲的歌,也弹吉他。
- The Greeks did nought, but play the fools and lie. 希腊人一事无成,仅仅在愚弄和欺骗。
- I was heartily piqued at the rogue. 我心里非常不满意这个流氓。
- He can play the piano after a fashion. 他能弹点钢琴。
- She could play the violin when she was five. 她五岁时便能拉小提琴了。
- He plays the violin for the fun of it. 她拉小提琴只是为了好玩。
- "Once," the rogue drow mouthed quietly. "曾经..."黑暗精灵轻唇无声。