- Plastic is in widespread use. 塑料已被广泛地使用。
- Computers are now in widespread use. 计算机现在被广泛应用。
- I look forward to the time when this ability is in widespread use to hasten drug discovery and to support an array of other applications. 我期待有朝一日,人类的这项本事能广泛用来加速药物的开发,并支援一系列其他的应用。
- This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。
- At the time of writing, this idiom has only been in widespread use for a few months, and it is too early to assess its success. 在撰写本书时,这种习惯用法的普遍使用才只有几个月时间,因此现在评估其成败还为时过早。
- Alginate is already in widespread use by the food industry as a gelling agent and to thicken the frothy head of some lagers. 在食品工业中,藻酸盐已经被广泛用作胶凝剂,或用来增加一些贮藏啤酒的泡沫。
- When I was a student here, in 1973, TCP/IP, the basic protocol that drives all this stuff, was in widespread use. 当我是一个学生这里的时候,在1973年,传输控制协议/IP,驾驶所有的这种东西的基本记录,是在广大的使用中。
- Herbal and other traditional pharmacologic therapies are in widespread use throughout the world. 摘要草药和其他传统药物治疗在全球范围内广泛使用。
- Computers are in widespread use now(1972)to assist in development of the best operational plans for managing ground water reservoirs. 现在(1972)普遍使用计算机来管理地下水库,协助人们选定最佳的运用方案。
- Although the paradigm was called menu-based at the time, we refer to these menus as sequential and hierarchical to differentiate them from the menus in widespread use today. 尽管这种界面范例在那时称为“基于菜单”,而我们称这些菜单为“顺序层次关系菜单”,与今天流行的菜单区分开。
- Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑胶有时可以替代皮革。
- Sled pulled by dog is in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
- Although Gutenberg's press had existed for nearly a century, it was not yet in widespread use, and Lapi probably came across the symbol while reading a transcription. 虽然古腾堡的印刷机已经存在了近一个世纪,但尚未广泛使用,而且拉皮在阅读抄本时,可能碰到过这一符号。
- Plastic is apt to break in cold weather. 天冷时塑料容易裂。
- One example of biodegradable plastic is in a concept car made by Toyota. 生物分解塑胶,是由丰田制造车的概念而来的。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。
- As an outstanding detection method for trace compounds, IMS is currently in widespread use for monitoring chemical agents for the military, screening explosives and narcotics at airports or custom services. 作为一种重要的痕量化学物质检测技术,现已广泛应用于化学毒剂探测和机场、海关的毒品与爆炸物检测。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Fingerprint scanners are not for the mass market, says Avivah Litan, an analyst at Gartner, who does think that voice biometrics will be in widespread use in America within three years. 经济是一个更大的障碍。虽然技术成本正在减少,但此仪器仍比其他安全系统昂贵。
- The living is in the gift of the squire. 地主有安排牧师奉禄之权。