- Planting system in mountains 山区栽培体系
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。
- Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。
- The heating system in this block doesn't work well. 这个街区的供暖系统不太好用。
- You'll find little system in his method of work. 他的工作方法无甚条理。
- There's always an element of danger in mountain climbing. 登山总是有些危险的。
- The terrace system in mountainous areas is a typical product of the ponding technique which has allowed cultivation even on steep slopes. 山区的梯田是使用造池技术的典型结果,这使得在陡坡上种稻成为可能。
- He is totally bemused by the traffic system in the city. 这城市里的交通制度把他完全弄糊涂了。
- Validation of Digital Maize Planting System in Hebei Province 数字化玉米种植系统的适用性验证
- Dwellings in mountains are few and far between. 山里的住家寥若晨星。
- The introduction of the metric system in Britain is being phased. 英国引进米制度量衡制度的工作正在分阶段进行。
- Most of Kyrgyzstan is covered in mountains. 吉尔吉斯境内多属山区。
- Application of Linear Motor System in Mountain City 直线电机城市轨道交通系统在山区大城市的应用探讨
- The apple industry moves toward the intensive planting system. 苹果生产逐渐向集约化栽培体系发展。
- The water in mountain rivers is usually pure. 在山间河流中的水通常是纯净的。
- The regent carried out an advanced system in his country. 摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。
- An ice ax used in mountain climbing. 冰镐,双叉破冰斧一种登山时用的小斧
- Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. 英国于1971年改行十进制货币体系。
- The electoral system in this country should be changed. 这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。