- Close to a million people at home suffer road traffic noise higher than 70 dB(A) L10(l hr),which is the minimum acceptable standard in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. 香港规划标准与准则订明的最低可接受道路噪音标准,是每小时有一成时间的等效连续声级为70分贝(A),然而,香港有接近100万人在家里要忍受超逾这标准的道路噪音。
- All internal partitions are demountable providing total flexibility on future space planning standards. 所有内部的分隔都是可灵活拆卸的,为将来空间使用提供灵活性。
- With the upgrading of the city's planning standards, vertical greening should gradually become extensively adopted. 随着城市规划水平的提高,垂直绿化将逐渐被广泛采用。
- Close to a million people at home suffer road traffic noise higher than 70 dB(A) L10(l hr), which is the minimum acceptable standard in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. 香港规划标准与准则订明的最低可接受道路噪音标准,是每小时有一成时间的等效连续声级为70分贝(A),然而,香港有接近100万人在家里要忍受超逾这标准的道路噪音。
- Notices will be successful progress in building, construction and planning standards issued after the agreement programmes. 中标通知书将在建设进度、建设标准和规划方案等达成一致后下发。
- CFPCM , CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM and are certification marks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd.(FPSB). 我于今年8月离开了财务策划行业,亦不打算办理来年的资格认证续期;若我日后决定重返财务策划行业,我可否申请资格认证续期?
- In order to bring facilities in existing schools (built to old planning standards) up to date for modern learning and teaching,a school improvement programme was started in 1994. 为更新现有根据旧标准兴建的学校的设施,以符合现代教与学的需求,政府在一九九四年展开学校改善工程计划。
- In order to bring facilities in existing schools (built to old planning standards) up to date for modern learning and teaching, a school improvement programme was started in 1994. 为更新现有根据旧标准兴建的学校的设施,以符合现代教与学的需求,政府在一九九四年展开学校改善工程计划。
- He has never dissatisfied with this plan. 他从来没有对计划表示不满。
- The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines is a government document of planning criteria and guidelines for determining the quantity, scale, location and site requirements of various land uses and facilities. 《香港规划标准与准则》是一份政府手册,就各类土地用途和设施制定数量、比例、位置和地盘规定的准则。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。
- The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines is a government document of planning criteria and guidelines for determining the quantity,scale,location and site requirements of various land uses and facilities. 《香港规划标准与准则》是一份政府手册,就各类土地用途和设施制定数量、比例、位置和地盘规定的准则。
- During the year,planning standards and guidelines for petrol filling stations,liquefied petroleum gas filling stations,electricity supply,telephone service and greening were revised or in the process of formulation. 年内,当局修订或制定了有关加油站、石油气加气站、电力供应、电话服务和绿化计划的规划标准与准则。
- Lacks planning for career has no purpose or goals. 对自己的事业没有安排就没有目标和理想。
- The shortage can be put down to bad planning. 短缺是由计划不周造成的。
- I changed my plan in deference to your opinion. 我听从你的意见,改变了计划。
- He has no intention to jack up the plan. 他没有放弃这个计划的意思。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. 警察制定出了策略捉贼。
- To promote public awareness of the planning standards and guidelines and to facilitate its application by non-government bodies,the document is available for sale to the public on a chapter-by-chapter basis. 为加深市民对规划标准与准则的认识,同时方便非政府机构使用,当局已把手册公开发售,供公众人士逐章购买。