- Planning implies something new. 规划蕴涵着某些新的东西。
- The act of introducing something new. 革新介绍新东西的行为
- For many of these families a college education was something new. "对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。"
- To design means to make the drawing of something new according to a plan . 设计意味着按某个计划画出某个新东西的设计图。
- He often creates something new and original. 他常在工作中标新立异。
- From each failure he learned something new. 他从每次失败中学到了某些新的东西。
- It was something new in warfare. 这是战争史上新奇的事件。
- It is something new under socialism. 它是社会主义的新生事物。
- Yes, but now I would like to try something new. 是的,不过我想尝试一些新的工作。
- You know,I am always looking for something new. 你知道,我是随时都在找寻新式样的。
- But why don't you try something new,say,a Ladies? 不过你为啥不尝尝自己从未喝过的酒,比如“淑女”呢?
- While studies and analyses precede decisions, any type of plan implies that some decision has been made. 尽管研究和分析先于决策,但任何形式的计划都意味着某项决策已经制定。
- I'll get back to you if I find something new. 如果我有什么新发现的话,我会再回来找你。
- Break new ground: to do or discover something new. 发现了新的东西或是取得了新的进展。
- But here he seemed to divine something new. 可是在这里,他似乎预感到了某种新的东西。
- Something new has been born under the sun. 在阳光普照之下,出现了某种新事物。
- I have something new to tell you. 我有点新鲜事要告诉你。
- I must try to see something new. 可要看点儿新的东西了。
- You know, I am always looking for something new. 你知道,我是随时都在找寻新式样的。
- And everywhere you turn you hear something new. 无论你走到哪里,你都听到新奇的事情。