- WOMA's technique is standard in pipe and tube bundle cleaning. WOMA公司拥有的技术是清洗管道和管束的标准。
- Pipe and Tube Bundle Cleaning 管道和管束清洗
- Sinosteel supplies: Rebar, Wire and wire rod, Section, Medium section, Merchant bar, Flat products, Pipe and tube, Stainless steel, Semi-finished steel. 提供钢筋、棒材、线材、大中小型型钢、板带材、厚板、中板、中厚宽钢带、热轧板带材、冷轧板带材、管材、不锈钢的进出口业务。
- A view of pipe and tube forming technology 管材成形技术综述
- All piping and tubing shall be blown out with clean dry air before it is connected to the equipment. 应使用干净的干燥空气对所有配管和导压管进行吹扫,然后方可与仪表设备连接。
- Carbon and alloy pipe and tube products 普通碳素和合金管道产品
- Seamless Copper-Nickel Pipe and Tube 无缝铜镍合金管
- Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports 钢管进口委员会
- There is a block in the pipe and the water can't flow away. 管子里有阻塞物,水流不出去。
- In this thesis,film condensation heat transfer is studied for a stagnant saturated vapor on a smooth and enhanced tube,and tube bundles in the presence of a noncondensable gas(air). 本文研究有不凝气体(空气)存在情况下,饱和静止蒸气在水平光滑单管,强化管以及管束上的膜状凝结换热问题。
- Tubing and tube bundles shall be installed in and secured to the support system at the intervals specified in paragraph 12.2. 配管及管束应以第12.;2段中规定的间隔固定安装于支架系统。
- He pulled at his pipe and stared at the fire. 他深深地吸着烟斗,并凝视着炉火。
- Unblock the pipe and run the dirty water through. 把堵赛的管子通一通,让脏水流过去。
- The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment. 这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。
- Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas. 火焰熔化了一段铅管,燃着了漏出来的煤气。
- This permits free expansion of the tube bundle, as well as cleaning of both the insides and outsides of the tubes. 这个饶恕内胎束(与内部有关人员和内胎的外侧的打扫同样)的自由的扩大。
- Vandervoort produced a pipe and lit it. 范沃德特掏出一只烟斗,点着了火。
- Expanded Welded and Silver Brazed Socket Joints for Pipe and Tube 管用扩张焊接及银黄铜套管连接件
- He lit his pipe and exhaled clouds of smoke. 他点燃他的烟斗,吐出一朵朵烟来。
- SBM specializes in manufacturing seamless stainless steel pipes and tubes of all types. Wish to provide the product and the service of the superior quality for you. 我公司专业生产无缝不锈钢管,愿为您提供最优质的产品和服务。