- The urinal had a pink bar of soap in it secured by a wire net. He went into the booth. 小便池上面有一条粉红色的香皂是放在小铁丝篮里的。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat. 这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。
- Write your name and address on this pink slip. 在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓名和地址。
- He barred himself in (the house). 他把自己关在屋里。
- Pink and blue mix well together. 粉色和蓝色在一起很协调。
- I want to sing at a karaoke bar next. 接下来,我想去卡拉OK酒吧唱歌。
- Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back. 士兵挡住了去路,我们只好折回。
- All1,300 employees got pink slips today. 今天1,300名职工全部拿到了被炒鱿鱼的条子。
- He has been barred from practicing medicine. 他被禁止行医。
- Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries. 野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。
- As the sun set, the sky shaded from blue to pink. 日落时分,天空由蓝色渐渐变成粉红色。
- A long time illness made him sallow and emaciated. 长期患病使他面黄肌瘦。
- She chose the red sweater rather than the pink one. 她选中那件红毛衣而不要那件粉红的。
- I'm tickled pink that my essay won the prize. 我的文章获奖了,我高兴得要命。
- He will have a drink in the bar after work. 下班之后他总去酒吧喝一杯。
- Finally, she decided upon a pink dress. 最後,她选定了一件粉红色的洋装。
- Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 健康不佳可能成为人一生中取得成功的障碍。
- The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. 这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。
- She's go to play the opening bar of the sonata. 她准备演奏这支奏鸣曲的开始数小节。