- Piertis rapae 菜粉蝶
- Brassica rapa L. Pieris rapae L. 芜菁菜青虫
- European cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae). 即欧洲菜粉蝶(pieris rapae)。
- Brassica rapa L. syn. campestris L. 芸薹种作物
- Experiment on the Control of Several Pesticides on Pieris rapae sp. 几种农药对菜青虫的防治试验。
- Study on the non-preferable plants extracts against Pieris rapae L. 非嗜食植物抽提物对菜粉蝶控制作用的研究。
- Effects of Three Botanical Insecticides Against Pieris rapae L. 三种植物性杀虫剂对菜青虫的毒效。
- Effect of the Crude Extract from Pepper on the Bio-activity of Pieris rapae L. 胡椒提取物对菜青虫的生物活性的影响。
- The effect of Tephrosia vogelii Hook on the pupation of Pieris rapae L. 非洲山毛豆对菜粉蝶化蛹的影响。
- Protective effects of leaf juice of Brassica rapa on radio-damage of mouse. 芜菁叶汁对小鼠辐射损伤的防护效应。
- Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui. 如今,土地,人民和语言都归属于当地的本地拉帕努伊。
- Studies on Antifeedant Activity of Cnidium monnieri against the Larvae of Pieris rapae L. 蛇床子对菜青虫的拒食活性研究。
- Studies on the inhibiting action of Tephrosia vogelii Hook to the growth and development of Pieris rapae L. 非洲山毛豆对菜粉蝶幼虫的生长发育抑制作用。
- Oviposition Deterrent Effect and Killing Egg Activity of Extract from Stellera chameajasme Against Pieris rapae L. 瑞香狼毒提取物对菜粉蝶的产卵忌避与杀卵作用。
- Bioactivity of Extracts and Fractions from Stem of Mirabilis jalapa L. To Pieris rapae L. 紫茉莉茎提取物及其萃取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性。
- Biological activities of crude extracts from Polygonum hydropiper L. Against Pieris rapae L. 辣蓼粗提物对菜青虫的生物活性。
- Evaluation of Control Effects of Three Plant Original Insecticides on Pieris rapae L. 三种植物性杀虫剂对菜青虫的田间药效评价。
- Insecticidal Activities of the Non-alkaloid Extracts from Tripterygium wilfordii against Piers rapae L. 雷公藤非生物碱成分对菜青虫杀虫活性研究。
- Experiment on the field effect of Lorsban combined with BetaCypermethrin against Pieris rapae L. 毒死蜱与高效氯氰菊酯复配对菜青虫的田间药效试验。
- Effect of different matrine mixtures on the physiological activity of Pieris rapae L. 不同苦参碱混剂对菜青虫的生理活性试验。