- No actual piercing of flesh is required. 没有实际刺入肉要求.
- Stick to only one color of nail polish. 指甲扮靓的原则是坚持单色调。
- You can choose form a variety of nail varnishes. 你可以从许多指甲图案中选择,
- Piercing of nail 甲剌穿
- She took out a pair of nail clippers and began cutting her nails. 她拿出一把指甲刀,然后开始剪指甲。
- HGWP could improve main symptoms and indexes of nail MD . 3、与治疗前相比,患者的血脂亦有改善(P<0.;05)。
- Tail of scabbard/head of Jian/hole of nail have strong Korean flavor. 剑的鞘尾/剑首/目钉孔有强烈的朝鲜味。
- Body piercing refers to the piercing of the human body for the purpose of wearing jewellery. 身体穿洞是指为了佩戴珠饰而在人体上穿洞。
- I need to get a box of nails before I start this project. 开始做项目之前,我需要弄包烟来。
- Effective against a wide variety of pathogens and viruses including TB. Protects against accidental piercing of rubber gloves injectable needles. 有效的抗多种病原体和病毒,包括:结核病菌。预防意外的注射针头刺破橡胶手套。
- Certainly the physical highlight of the event is the piercing of flesh,where the males of the tribe walk around a tree in circles and dance around the tree for days on end. 当部落的男人们连续几天围着树转圈、跳舞之后,他们将自己的肌肉刺穿。这是聚会中最惊心动魄的场面。
- Certainly the physical highlight of the event is the piercing of flesh, where the males of the tribe walk around a tree in circles and dance around the tree for days on end. 当部落的男人们连续几天围着树转圈、跳舞之后,他们将自己的肌肉刺穿。这是聚会中最惊心动魄的场面。
- The piercing of the wrists, rather than the palms, is not consistent with most medieval depictions of the crucifixion.However, it has been conjectured by Dr. 被刺穿的手腕,更准确地说是手掌,并不是与中世纪大多数的受难描述相一致。
- Last month the Supreme Court upheld a federal law, passed in 2003, banning “partial-birth” abortions, a late-term procedure involving the piercing of a fetus's skull. 上个月,最高法院批准了一项2003年通过的联邦法,禁止“半分娩”的晚期堕胎,即在妊娠后期刺穿胎儿头骨堕胎。
- Methods: The fixed location of nail pedicle of vertebra from synthesis was based on standard method of fixed position. 方法:在标准定位法的基础上,设计一种综合定位法进行椎弓根钉定位。
- Carpentry uses the place of nail, whether does nailhole have antirust coating to wait. 木工用到钉子的地方,钉眼是否有防锈涂料等。
- All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence. 突然,刺耳的尖叫声打破了寂静。
- Objective To evaluate the role of nail lysate microscopy combined with PAS and lectin histochemistry staining. 目的探讨溶甲涂片镜检结合组化染色对甲真菌病病原学诊断的意义。
- Daniel C R. The diagnosis of nail fungal infection. Arch Dermatol, 1991, 127:1566. 朱文元主编.;甲病与甲真菌病
- Midgely G, Daniel C R, Miss J. Mycology of nail disorder. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1994, 31:568. 仝建坤谢志宏.;霉克指(趾)甲药盒配合霉克霜外用治疗甲癣60例疗效观察[J]