- Picus rabierin. 红颈啄木鸟
- These results may provide a basis for improvements in nursing care in the PICU. 希望其结果能提供我们在护理业务改进方面的参攷。
- On the form,structure,inclusion and infection insect showed that Halyomorpha picus was a main infection insect of Paulownia MLO. 通过多元线性分析、通径分析及逐步回归分析表明 ,在形态特征、组织机构、生化物质、传毒昆虫等因素中 ,茶翅蝽对泡桐丛枝病发病率高低的影响最显著 ,是泡桐丛枝病病原菌 (ML O)的主要传毒昆虫。
- Picus's axe was made to strengthen and protect the brothers and Procas's axe was made to put fear in both their enemies and the population. 皮库斯之斧是用来增强和保护他们兄弟俩,普罗卡斯之斧则让他们的敌人和人民感到恐惧。
- S he engaged in two-year nursing education and currently is working in PICU of Children's Hospital at CMU. 现在重庆医科大学儿童医院从事临床护理、护理教学及护理管理工作。
- Yuqian Meng, RN The register nurse at PICU, Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CMU). 蒋小平,重庆医科大学附属儿童医院主管护师,护士长。
- Once we arrived the hospital, it took us some time to figure out where the location of PICU is. 和同学一到医院,我们费了不小的周折才找到了位于三楼西翼的儿科 ICU 病房。
- Results During the study period, the incidence of brain death was 0.87% (14/1 604) in PICU. 结果脑死亡在PICU的发生率为0.;87%25(14/1604),占总死亡患儿数的12
- Picus and Procas were two brothers who ruled a kingdom together.They were both wise mages: Picus was a specialist in Blood magic and Procas in Death magic. 皮库斯和普罗卡斯是一起统治王国的俩兄弟,他们都精通法术:皮库斯是擅长血魔法,普罗卡斯则擅长死亡魔法。
- Five patients underwent intubation and mechanical ventilation before admission to the PICU, and one patient had these interventions during admission. 5位病患在住进PICU之前,就接受插管与呼吸器治疗;
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the cause and preventive measurement for respiratory tract nosocomial(infection) in pediatric ICU(PICU). 目的探讨儿科重症监护病房(PICU)呼吸道医院感染的原因和预防措施。
- The aim of this study is to understand the source and causes of nosocomial infection in patients in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU). 摘要本研究的目的在探讨小儿加护中心病患,引起院内感染之途迳及因素。
- Picus and Procas later died trying to defend their kingdomaganst a barbarian horde. the barbarian chief then managed to unleash the power of the axes by using one in each hand. 后来皮库斯和普罗卡斯在保卫王国抗击蛮族部落时身死亡,蛮族部落的首领通过手持双斧(一手一斧)的方法解开了这两把斧头的魔力。
- There was a statistically significant rise in the rate of nosocomial infection in patients whose stay in the PICU was over 5 days. (2)减少使用侵入性管路的机会,并应彻底执行各项无菌技术的操作;
- Methods The poisoned children admitted to PICU from 1996 to 2000 were analyzed retrospectively.Results Drug poisoning rised to the first place. 方法对重庆医科大学儿童医院1996-2000年PICU收治的儿童中毒病例进行回顾性总结分析。
- With the establishment of NICU and PICU,the transportation of critically illed children and neonates gradually formed and developed in the past years. 随着国内新生儿与儿科监护病房(NICU和PICU)的建立,近年来新生儿和儿科危重儿转运逐渐形成并得到发展。
- Sedation by m idozolam in children with mechanical ventilation in PICU can meet a satisfactory sedative effect in case of proper nursing care. PICU机械通气患儿使用咪唑安定镇静,结合适当护理,能达到满意的镇静效果。
- It was extremely quiet here in the big PICU (so does the smaller one in the East Wing).Children and their parents could easily watch the TV programs right above the sickbeds. 在这里偌大一个病房(东翼还有个稍小点的 PICU ),整个氛围相当安静,孩子和家长可以很舒服地看到每个病床上方的儿童电视节目。
- Objective: To analyze the clinical and etiological characteristics and bactcrial susceptibility of children with ventilator-associated pneumonia in PICU. 目的:探讨儿童重症监护室(PICU)呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)的临床病原学特点。
- The study reveals that the PICU's design was an ongoing effort and its most stable component was a vision of distributed knowledge and decentralized intensive care. 这项研究揭示了PICU的设计是一个持续努力的过程,它唯一不变的因素是分散式知识和分权式集中看护的观点。