- Pictures by Paul Lantz. 作者声明: Maureen Daly ;
- Edmonds ;illustrated by Paul Lantz. 作者声明: by Walter D.
- "There is a picture by Paul Kleecalled Angelus Novus. 本雅明用这幅画表达了他对历史“进步”的忧思。
- They receive television pictures by satellite. 他们通过人造卫星接收电视图像。
- Jeff: "If I could", by Paul Simon. 杰夫:保罗·赛门的《假如我能办得到》。
- You can take pictures by pressing the shutter. 按下快门,你就可以照相了。
- Nicholas of Cusa ;edited and translated by Paul E. Sigmund = 天主教的和谐 / 库萨的尼古拉.
- The hall was hung with pictures by workers. 大厅里挂着工人创作的画。
- Marx ;illustrated by Paul Michalak. 作者声明: by David F.
- Dennett ;illustrated by Paul Weiner. 书名/作者 Consciousness explained /Daniel C.
- Story and Pictures by Maurice Sendak. 人都有情绪,特别是当负...
- Pictures by kind permission of Jake Lyall. 图片由实物许可杰克lyall 。
- Taylor ;pictures by Jerry Pinkney. 作者声明: by Mildred D.
- S.Edited by Paul Sweezy, Harry Magdoff and Ellen Meiksins Wood. 网站简介:Independent and venerable Marxist journal from the U.
- Tolman in the 1930s and recently elaborated on by Paul J. Tolman)在1930年代所引进,而最近美国普林斯顿大学的斯坦哈特(PaulJ.
- Donny: Wow! Did you paint these pictures by yourself ? 哇!你靠自己画这些图片吗?
- Scanning was first used in the transmission of pictures by telegraph. 扫描首先是被用在用电报机传送图像上。
- Just as was said by Paul May(2000), customer loyalty is crucial to EC success. 正如Paul May(2000)的研究结果所示,顾客忠诚度才是电子商务成功的关键。
- It was stolen to Europe by Paul Pelliot at the beginning of the 20th century. 此图发现于敦煌藏经洞,20世纪初被法国人伯希和偷盗至欧洲。
- Click Here to download our screensaver, we took all the pictures by ourselves. 点击此处下载,所有照片都是我们在旅行途中拍摄。