- Root Rot ( Phytophthora cinnamomi ) is a soil-borne fungus that infects many plants, including avocados. 根腐病(疫肉桂);是一种土壤中的真菌感染;很多植物;包括鳄梨.
- Kelley W D.Evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum Impregnated Clay Granules as a Biological for Phytophthora cinnamomi Causing Damping-Off of Pine Seedlings.Phytopathology,1976,66:1023. 周新根;朱宗源;汪树俊.;辅以拮抗微生物的有机添加物对蔬菜土传病原菌的生物防治作用
- CAMELLIA ROOT ROT DISEASE CAUSED BY Phytophthora cinnamomi 樟疫霉引起山茶花根腐病
- Phytophthora cinnamomin. 樟疫霉
- Resistance to Phytophthora capsici L. 抗疫病
- Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi could be detected by TLC. 在薄层色谱中检出木香和肉桂,并且阴性无干扰。
- Conclusions Decoction of radix bupleuri, ramulus cinnamomi... 结果痊愈68例,显效11例,无效7例,有效率92%25。
- On new liquid media for inducing sporangia of Phytophthora spp. 诱导疫霉菌产生游动孢子囊液体培养基的研制。
- Methods Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谙法对处方中木香和肉桂进行鉴别。
- Results:Ramulus Cinnamomi and Cortex Cinnamomi were identified by TLC ... 结论:改进后的方法能够初步区分肉桂和桂枝。
- Pathogenic identification of a new banana disease caused by Phytophthora sp. 一种疫霉菌引起的香蕉新病害的病原初步鉴定。
- Selection of Sweet Pepper Germplasm on Resistance to Phytophthora capsici L. 优质抗疫病甜椒种质资源的选育。
- So it can conclude that radix aconiti lateralis preparata and cortex cinnamomi has the effect of anti-blood stasis. 晚近实验室研究的结论也支持古代医家的观点,说明附子、肉桂具有抗血凝的作用。
- Methods A RP-HPLC method was carried out to determine the content of cinnamyl aldehyde in cortex cinnamomi. 方法高效液相色谱法测定肉桂中桂皮醛的含量。
- Objective:To compare quality of crude Ramulas Cinnamomi indifferent reserve period and their prepared products. 目的:对不同贮存期的桂枝生品和炮制品质量进行比较。
- Effects of illumination, moisture and medium on oospore production of Phytophthora boehmeriae. 光照、湿度和培养基对苎麻疫霉卵孢子产生量的影响。
- Results: Aqueous solution of Radix Slectellariae and Cortex Cinnamomi cassia was best. 结果:以黄芩、肉桂水溶液为最好。
- Identification and control of Phytophthora blight of Gerbera jamesonii in Zhuhai. 珠海非洲菊疫病的鉴定和防治。
- Currant roots are susceptible to both Oak Root fungus ( Armillaria ) and Phytophthora . 醋栗根系受到双方橡树根真菌(蜜)和疫病.
- Cultivar resistance has been the most effective way to control Phytophthora root rot. 利用抗病品种是防治大豆疫霉根腐病最有效的方法。