- S.A.Solin. , D.R.Hines. , : Physical Sciences Division, NEC Research Institute, 4 Independence Way 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Physical Sciences Division 自然科学处
- The physical science of such phenomena. 电学研究电的现象的物理科学
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K. 英国工程与物理科学基金会,简称。
- Mathematics is the instrument used by physical sciences to explore. 数学是在自然科学中用来探究现象、记录结论的工具。
- I had the job of indexing everything published in the physical sciences. 我的工作是给自然科学的所有出版物编索引。
- Stan D.Wullschleger.a , Kell B.Wilson.b , Paul J.Hanson.a , a: Environmental Sciences Division, P. 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Journal of Mathematical and Physical Science. 数学与物理学杂志。印度。
- Shen, a member of ORNL's Condensed Matter Sciences Division, is being cited for his pioneering approach to the study of magnetism in nanostructured materials synthesis. 沈,美国国立橡树岭实验所科学领域的精英之一,是研究原料合成磁学的领先人物。
- Slavish imitation of the physical sciences is a mistake in the study of humans and society. 在对人和社会的研究中,机械地模仿自然科学是错误的。
- An interest in the physical sciences and mathematics are the essential elements for a career in meteorology. 有兴趣在物理科学和数学的基本要素生涯气象学。
- Ripley: You also forgot the Science Division's basic quarantine law. 里普利:你还忘记了科学部的基本检疫法律。
- The distinction between social sciences and physical sciences is clarified by these examples. 这几个例子阐明了社会科学与自然科学的区别。
- Joule's work led to one of the basic laws of physical science. 焦耳的工作引导出自然科学的一个基本定律。
- After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Rhode Island, he joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1976 as a scientist in the newly formed oceanographic sciences division. 1976年,佛高斯基加入美国布鲁克海文国家实验室新成立的海洋科学组。
- Mathematics is the instrument used by physical sciences to explore things and record results. 数学是在自然科学中用来探究现象、记录结论的工具。
- "What is happening in biology is similar to trends seen in recent decades in the physical sciences," Cummings said. “生物学发生的近似自然科学领域近十年所看到的趋势,”Cummings说。
- The Forensic Science Division of the Government Laboratory provides a specialist scientific service to the criminal justice system in Hong Kong. 政府化验所辖下的法证事务部为本港的刑事司法制度,提供专业的科学鉴定服务。
- Joule's work led to one of the basic laws of physical science . 焦耳的工作引导出自然科学的一个基本定律。
- In so far as the economical condition of nations turns upon the state of physical knowledge, it is a subject for the physical sciences, and the arts founded on them. 就各国的经济情况取决于物理知识而言,这是自然科学和建立在自然科学之上的工艺技术所要研究的问题。