- Phorinia benthamianan. 闽粤石楠
- In the experiment three tobacco species Nicotiana glutinosa, Nicotiana tabacum cv.Sam and Nicotiana benthamiana respectively were used. 通过荧光显微观察,根据烟草叶片表皮细胞中是否产生绿色荧光来判断融合蛋白是否表达。
- VIRUS INDUCE GENE SILENCE OF DHS IN Nicothiana benthamiana 病毒诱导的烟草DHS基因的沉默
- amaranticolor,Nicotiana benthamiana and other species of toba-cco. ama-ranticolor、Nicotiana benthamiana及其它烟草。
- The Analysis of rbcS Gene Function by Post-transcription Gene Silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana 转录后基因沉默系统研究烟草rbcS基因功能
- A Crucial Amino Acid of Regulation of Binding Activity of DREBP to DRE cis-Element in Nicotiana benthamiana 烟草DREBP转录因子结合DRE元件的关键氨基酸
- Investigation of BaMV satellite RNA-encoded P20 Protein in the Movement of satBaMV in Sucrose-synthase-promoter-driven P20 Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana 竹花叶病毒卫星RNA编码卫星蛋白P20在P20转基因烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana)中的作用
- Phorinia aurifronsn. 黄额蚤寄蝇
- Phorinia pruinovittan. 粉额蚤寄蝇
- Phorinia anlungensisn. 安龙石楠
- Torenia benthamianan. 毛叶蝴蝶草
- Phorinia bliniin. 短叶石楠
- Nicotiana benthamiana 烟草
- Phorinia chihsinianan. 临桂石楠
- Phorinia chingianan. 宜山石楠
- Phorinia glomeratan. 球花石楠
- Phorinia hirsutan. 褐毛石楠
- Phorinia kwangsiensisn. 广西石楠
- Phorinia podocarpifolian. 罗汉松叶石楠
- Phorinia prunifolian. 桃叶石楠