- Philosophy off Lao Zi 老子哲学
- This book does much to expound the philosophy of the Lao Zi. 本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。
- Then, similarly perhaps, the philosophy of Lao Zi originated in the mountains and marshes. 那么,老庄的哲学呢,就产生于山地和沼泽吧。
- Lao Zi regarded harmony as a general rule. 老子提出“知和曰常,知常曰明”;
- On Lao Zi's Theory of the Wei and Jin Dynas. 魏晋老学初探。
- Its formation and development are closely related to the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, the doctrine of Buddhism, and the art of poetry. 它的形成与发展 ,同老庄哲学、佛家思想以及诗歌艺术有着密切的关系
- The three philosophy-thought foundations of ecological idea of Chinese classical garden were Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi philosophy, Zen, and Confucianism philosophy. 摘要老庄哲学、禅宗以及儒家哲学是构建中国古典园林生态观的三大哲学思想基础。
- This kind of poem originated and developed on the basis of philosophic thoughts of Taoism, mainly the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and the thought of cave paradise. 其兴起与勃兴肇基于以老庄哲学为主体的道教哲学思想和以名山皆仙境的洞天福地思想。
- Daoism worship Lao Zi and admit to be the founder of Daoism. 道教崇拜老子,奉他为教祖。
- Both Aristotle and Lao Zi are also the well-known thinkers. 摘要老子与亚里士多德均为著名的思想家。
- Lao Zi did not oppose propriety but advocate propriety. 老子不仅不反对礼,而且还提倡礼治。
- Therefore,Lao Zi made a point that to abandon sacrament and wisdom,quit virtue and morality, refuse benifit and profit,or cut off scooling and study are a good way for people to turn back to be quiet salubrious ones. 所以老子在这里主张绝圣弃智,绝仁弃义,绝巧弃利,绝学无忧就是为了使人们有一个清静无为的自已。
- Lao Zi, Confucious, Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi, Xun Zi and Han Fei are representatives of this period. 老子、孔子、墨子、孟子、庄子、荀子和韩非是这些人当中的代表。
- the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi 老庄哲学
- After the fire burning forty-nine days, the Lord Lao Zi thought the Great Sage must be ashes so he opened the furnace. 孙猴在八卦炉中,烧了七七四十九天,太上老君以为孙猴已化成灰烬,下命令开炉。
- Lao Zi criticized the Confucian concepts, such as "benevolence", "justice" and "propriety". 落实到社会问题上,最好的治国之道是“功成事遂,百姓皆谓我自然。”
- Lao Zi stresses the naturalness of humanity while Zhuang Zi emphasizes the authenticity and freedom of human nature. 老子所突出者,为性之本然、自然,庄子则更强调性之本真、自由。
- He was so erudite and well-known that people admiringly called him Lao Zi.Many non-Chinese people have heard of Lao Zi. 老于对当时的现实不满,并反对当时社会上出现的革新浪潮,想走回头路。
- Lao Zi's ideas about "not contending" are the basic principle of his theories of social administration. 摘要老子关子“不争”的思想是他社会治理的根本原则。
- If you think that Lao Zi has been peerless,that has been moved towards have no talking. 如果妳认为老子天下第一暸,那就没的谈暸。