- This paper modified the Phillips curve to explain the phenomenon. 本文对此模型进行了修正;在产品价格中加入了生产资料成本;并提出了一条新的菲利普斯曲线.
- The stable trade-off depicted by the Phillips curve is thus a dangerous mirage. 如此一来,菲尔普斯曲线所描绘的稳定的平衡关系就成了一种危险的幻想。
- Because of such disparities, the Phillips curve concept is coming under increasing attack. 由于这种差异,使得菲利普斯曲线的概念面临越来越大的危机。
- The Phillips curve is an attempt to describe the trade-off between the rate of price inflation and the rate of unemployment of labour. 菲利普斯曲线是试图描述物价上涨率和劳动力失业率之间消长关系的曲线。
- So the Phillips curve fell out of favour and was replaced by its corollary, the NAIRU, or non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (in effect, the natural rate). 菲利浦斯曲线因而失宠,取而代之的是由该模型来发展而来的非加速通货膨胀的失业率(NAIRU,即自然失业率)。
- The relation between inflation and employment rate,is expressed by Phillips Curve,and also is one of the focuses of debates of economics. 通货膨胀率和失业率之间关系,是菲利普斯曲线描述的基本内容,也是经济学争论的焦点之一。
- In all of the explanation on Phillips Curve,labor supply curve is positive,is a basic condition,but the labor supply curve is not absolute positive. 在所有有关菲利普斯曲线的讨论中,假定劳动供给曲线是正斜率曲线是一个基本前提。
- The economy of Phillips curve He Fan that does not belong to Phillips acquired 20 century to just enter the period that a galaxy brights truly. 不属于菲利普斯的菲利普斯曲线何帆经济学到了20世纪才真正进入一个群星璀璨的时代。
- Abstract: We estimate a New Keynesian hybrid Phillips curve under open economy for China by way of GMM, by choosing instrument variables according to China's situation. 文章摘要: 本文采用广义矩方法估计开放经济下中国新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线,结合中国现实选择工具变量。
- Is Phillips Curve Unworkable? 菲利浦斯曲线失灵了吗?
- Until he showed otherwise, post-war governments seemed able to tradeoff unemployment and inflation: a long-term statistical link between the two, known as the Phillips curve after the New Zealander who noted it, appeared toprove as much. 直到他发表了不同的见解之前,战后的美国政府似乎有能力平衡失业和通货膨胀(对矛盾)一个长期的两者的统计相关性为此提供了显见的证明,在一位新西兰人对此进行了计量分析之后,该理论得名菲利普斯曲线,从此为大众所知晓。
- Whenever unemployment is low, inflation tends to be high. Whenever unemployment is high, inflation tends to be low. This inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment is called the Phillips curve. 当失业利率相对较低时,通胀率就会相对较高。当失业率相对较高时,通胀率就会相对较低。这种相对应的关系称作菲利浦曲线。
- Until he showed otherwise, post-war governments seemed able to tradeoff unemployment and inflation: a long-term statistical link between the two,known as the Phillips curve after the New Zealander who noted it, appeared toprove as much. 直到他发表了不同的见解之前,战后的美国政府似乎有能力平衡失业和通货膨胀(这对矛盾):一个长期的两者的统计相关性为此提供了显见的证明,在一位新西兰人对此进行了计量分析之后,该理论得名菲利普斯曲线,从此为大众所知晓。
- The relationship between inflation and unemployment illustrated by Phillips Curve theory reflects the economic reality of western countries, so it can explain the economic phenomena to some extents. 菲利普斯曲线所表示的失业与通货膨胀关系理论的发展是对西方经济现实的客观反映和合理解释,因此对解释经济现象有一定的作用。
- Abstract :In this article, we give an empirical analysis on the dynamic tradeoff of output and inflation brought by deepening degree of openness, with the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model. 本文利用新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线的理论模型对开放程度加深给中国通胀产出的动态变化带来的影响及其政策含义进行了实证分析。
- Result shows that from 1994 the inflation rates in China are not fit to the expectation, but fluctuate around a fixed number, in another word, there is traditional Phillips Curve in China from 1994. 结果显示,1994年以来我国通货膨胀预期不是适应性的,而是围绕着一个固定值波动,也就是说,我国存在着传统型的菲利普斯曲线。
- Reconsider the True Value of Phillips Curve 重新认识菲利普斯曲线的真正价值
- Phillip is packing up his goods. 菲利普正包装他的货物。
- The New Economy in USA and the Phillips Curve 美国新经济与菲利浦斯曲线
- On China's Circle Phillips Curve 论中国环形的菲利普斯曲线