- Pharmacopeia Nordica 北欧药典, 挪威药典
- A wide variety of topics, an encyclopedia, pharmacopeia, and resources guide. 网站简介 : Former Surgeon General Koop's resources for health information.
- Made to US Pharmacopeia - USP - quality, purity and potency standards. ---美国专利品质;纯自然能量标准.
- TCG Nordica’s Culture Tourism provides you with an opportunity to experience China in a unique way. TCG诺地卡的文化旅游观光项目提供以独特的方式体验中国的机会。
- Our thanks go to TCG Nordica, where every artist can show their artwork.Thanks also to the manager of TCG Nordica, Ms. 感谢诺地卡给我们提供了这个展示的空间,使我们每一个艺术家有机会在这里展示,谢谢诺地卡的总经理吴月蓉女士!
- I first saw Zhang Yongzheng’s paintings on his solo exhibition hold by TCG Nordica Gallery in Kunming in October, 2005. 第一次看到张永正的画,是在2005年10月昆明创库诺地卡为他举办的个展上。
- Method:Both water and alcohol extracts of Hirudo were studied according to Chinese Pharmacopeia(Edition 2005). 方法:以热浸法测定水溶性浸出物与醇溶性浸出物的含量;
- Conclusion: The improved pharmacopeia can be made use of to determine the content of berberine hydrochloride tablets. 结论:改进药典法可作为测定盐酸小檗碱片含量的方法。
- Methods The methods of bacterial endotoxins test and pyrogen test in Chinese pharmacopeia 2000 were used. 方法参照中国药典2000年版细菌内毒素检查法及热原检查法。
- Methods Experiment was conducted according to bacteria endotoxin test in China Pharmacopeia 2000,second section. 方法参照中国药典2000年版二部细菌内毒素检查法要求进行试验。
- The relative average deviation is less than 0. 2% compared with pharmacopeia method. 与药典法相比,相对平均偏差小于0.2%25。
- For the first Solo Exhibition in the newly renovated TCG Nordica gallery, we proudly present the recent art works from Leiyan, one of our old friend, loft female artist. TCG诺地卡空间重新装修以后我们将迎来第一次艺术家的个展,就是我们TCG诺地卡的老朋友、创库女性艺术家雷燕的近期作品展。
- Objective:According to the Chinese Pharmacopeia,through a series of test,the establishment of Ceftriaxone Sterile test. 目的:依据中国药典2005年版无菌检查法的相关规定,通过一系列试验,建立头孢曲松钠无菌检查法。
- The United States Pharmacopeial Convention.United States Pharmacopeia (USP27)[S]. 中国兽药典委员会.;中华人民共和国兽药典一部2000版[S]
- Methods: Angelica, Atractylodes macrocephala and Giant typhonium rhizome were selected in the Pharmacopeia ( 2005 Edith ) . 方法本实验研究从药典(2005年版)中选取当归、白术、制白附子三种药用植物,按植物化学方法从中提取出水溶性多糖;
- Conclusion:Quality of most Epimedium herbs conform to standards of China Pharmacopeia(2005 edition).For development of the medicinal materia... 结论:贵州产部分淫羊藿的质量符合或超过中国药典(2005版)标准,为了淫羊藿资源的可持续利用,药材生产应以采收地上部分质量为好。
- The species recorded on the "Rhizoma Drynariae" item of Chinese Pharmacopeia is the dry rhizoma of Drynaria fortunei from Polypodiacae. 中国药典中骨碎补项下收载的品种为水龙骨科植物槲蕨的干燥根茎。
- Methods:Polysaccharide, imperatorin and extractives in different varieties were detected according to document and Chinese Pharmacopeia. 方法:接文献方法和药典规定检测北沙参不同栽培品种的多糖、欧前胡素、浸出物等成分含量。
- Methods Detection was carried out according to the bacterial endotoxin test procedure and guidelines in Chinese Pharmacopeia,2005 edition. 方法按中国药典2005年版二部附录细菌内毒素检查方法进行试验。
- Based on this specification no material can be sold in Europe based on the relevant directives, guidelines and the European Pharmacopeia. 根据相关法令、指南或欧洲药典的要求,此规格标准的物料(产品)不得在欧洲市场销售。