- Aim To discuss the precise method of pharmacokinetics parameters. 目的对精确化方法进行探讨。
- Objective: To determine pharmacokinetics parameters of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinic. 目的:测定甘草酸二铵的体内药物动力学参数。
- To determine pharmacokinetics parameters of baicalin and QRHJ by pharmacology effect method ...... 关键词:黄芩苷;清热合剂;药物动力学;药理效应法
- Objective To study the change of pharmacokinetics parameters of imipenem in the interstitial fluids under eschar of burn rabbits in the early stage. 目的研究亚胺培南在严重烧伤早期痂下组织液和血浆中的药代动力学变化。
- Nonlinear mixed effect model(NONMEM) has been widely used in estimating population pharmacokinetics parameters of various drugs. 非线性混合效应模型法广泛应用于临床各类药物的群体药动学参数估算。
- Achymthes bidentata Blume decoction can increase concentrations of clindamycin in cardia, hepar, lung and kidney; can influence pharmacokinetics parameters of clindamycin in rabbits. 怀牛膝水煎液对克林霉素在兔体内的药代动力学过程有影响,怀牛膝水煎液与克林霉素联用可以提高心、肝、肺、肾组织中克林霉素浓度。
- Objective: To study the pharmacokinetics properties and pharmacokinetic parameters of nimesulide in tablet, suspension, and suppository. 目的:测定尼美舒利在兔体内药物代谢动力学过程,比较片剂、混悬剂、栓剂的药动学参数。
- Objective:To compare pharmacokinetics between monocase paeoniflorin and that in Si Ni San and discuss the change on pharmacokinetic parameters affects by other components. 目的比较中药复方四逆散中芍药苷与其单体形式之间药动学行为的差异,探讨复方配伍后对芍药苷药动学的影响。
- The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated and the bioavai-lability and bioequivalence of two formulations were evaluated by DAS program. 用DAS药代动力学程序计算相对生物利用度并评价生物等效性。
- Conclusion The pharmacokinetic parameters of roxithromycin enterosoluble capsules revealed the character of the dosage form. 结论罗红霉素系肠溶胶囊药代动力学参数符合该剂型的特征。
- And to investigate and compare with the pharmacokinetic parameters of t-Res and t-PD in rats. 目的:建立大鼠血浆中t-Res及t-PD浓度的HPLC测定方法,研究比较t-Res及t-PD在大鼠体内的药代动力学行为。
- The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS(ver1.0) program and compared by statistic analysis. 用DAS新药开发权威统计软件(Ver1.;0)计算药代动力学参数;并进行统计学分析。
- There is good linear relationship between pharmacokinetic parameters and doses about CAV and AMX. 克拉维酸钾 阿莫西林两组份在体内的主要药动学参数均与其服药剂量呈良好的线性关系
- TLC scanning method for determination of baicalin in rabbits serum and its pharmacokinetic parameters was established. 采用薄层扫描法测定家兔血清中的黄芩甙及在兔体内的药物动力学参数。
- Drug protein binding changes involved in numerous factors in vivo may cause changes of pharmacokinetic parameters. 体内各种因素引起的药物与血浆蛋白结合的改变,可能导致相应的药代动力学参数变化。
- The results showed that the oral pharmacokinetic parameters of both medicines was an open one chamber model. 方法:对家兔做毒性实验和药物动力学研究。
- The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by software 3P87 and statistical analysis was performed by software Microsoft Excel. 使用3P87软件拟合药动学参数,Microsoft Excel软件进行数据统计分析。
- AIM: To study the linear relationship between pharmacokinetic parameters and doses about potassium clavulanic acid (CAV) and amoxicillin (AMX). 目的 :研究体内克拉维酸钾 -阿莫西林两组份的主要药动学参数与服药剂量间的线性关系。
- The main pharmacokinetic parameters of 8 Cl Ad in dogs were obtained after single dose and multiple dose iv infusion of 8 Cl A in dogs. 犬单剂量和多剂量静脉点滴8-Cl-A后,计算得到8-Cl-A的代谢物8-Cl-Ad的药动学参数。
- The results showed there were significant differences in pharmacokinetic parameters of difloxacin in pigs between two dosage forms. 肌注给药吸收完全;