- Phaethon rubricaudan. 红尾热带鸟
- Ambitious as Phaethon, they are playing with fire. (像法厄同一样自命不凡,他们正在玩火。)
- You have made a mess of it by relying on that ambitious Phaethon. (你因为信赖那个自命不凡的家伙,所以把事情搞得一团糟。)
- Phaethon complained of the insult to his mother Clymene. 法厄同向母亲克吕墨恩诉说自己受到的侮辱。
- Phaethon was the son of Apollo and the nymph Clymene. 法厄同是阿波罗和水泽仙女克吕墨思所生的儿子。
- The Geminides originate from mysterious 3200 Phaethon, which is an asteroid. 双子座流星雨是由神秘的第3200号小行星“非以颂”产生的。
- Phaethon jumped onto horse-drawn carriage, is pleased to start with Jiang Sheng. 法厄同跳上马车,高兴地抓起缰绳。
- One day Epaphus, the son of Jupiter and Io, scoffed at the idea of Phaethon's being the son of a god. 有一天朱庇特和伊俄的儿子厄帕福斯嘲笑他,说他不是神祗之子。
- Phaethon immed- iately asked to be permitted for one day to drive the chariot of the sun. 那为父的叫他走过去,指着斯堤克斯河发誓说,不论他提出要什么凭证都将如愿以偿。
- Gladly Phaethon traveled toward the regions of sunrise and gained at last the palace of the Sun. 法厄同兴致勃勃地朝太阳升起的地方走去,进入太阳宫。
- But Phaethon is unwilling to give up his senseless request, the Helios has made a sacred promise, it's only reluctantly agreed to. 但法厄同就是不肯放弃他的毫无理智的请求,由于赫利俄斯已经发了神圣的誓言,便只好无可奈何的同意了。
- It has just finished, Phaethon could not wait to put the sun to drive his father's car, because it is the wish of his dreams. 话刚说完,法厄同就迫不及待地提出想驾驶父亲的太阳车,因为这是他梦寐以求的愿望。
- Any of several predominantly white,swift-flying sea birds of the genus Phaethon,of warm regions,having small weak legs and a pair of long,slender,central tail feathers. 热带鸟产于温暖地区的鹲属几种主要为白色的,飞行速度较快的海鸟,其腿细小瘦弱,长有一对细长的中央尾羽。
- Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, towards Phoebus' lodging: such a wagoner as Phaethon would whip you to the west, and bring in cloudy night immediately. 快快跑过去吧,踏着火云的骏马,把太阳拖回到它的安息的所在;但愿驾车的法厄同鞭策你们飞驰到西方,让阴沉的暮夜赶快降临。
- Any of several predominantly white, swift-flying sea birds of the genus Phaethon, of warm regions, having small weak legs and a pair of long, slender, central tail feathers. 热带鸟产于温暖地区的鹲属几种主要为白色的,飞行速度较快的海鸟,其腿细小瘦弱,长有一对细长的中央尾羽
- Phaethon is the sun god Helios life in the world's son, a young long after the Helios on his promise and let him obtain a free gift, the father can meet the requirements. 法厄同是太阳神赫利俄斯生活在人间的儿子,长成青年后,赫利俄斯对他许诺,让他随意索取一件礼物,做父亲的都能满足要求。
- " In Greek mythology, Zeus and Leda It is the embodiment of love Princess, is also looking for Titan's son Phaethon youth SIgena Si. 希腊神话中,它是宙斯与勒达公主相恋时的化身,又是寻找太阳神之子法厄同的青年赛格纳斯。
- Phaethon lepturusn. 白尾热带鸟(热带鸟科)
- Phaethon aethereusn. 红嘴热带鸟
- Phaethonn. 法厄同