- The general manager brought forward a new reform plan on the personnel system for the company. 总经理为公司提出了一份有关人事制度改革的新方案。
- Personnel System Manager 人事系统主任
- New steps have been taken in the reform of the personnel system. 干部制度改革迈出新步伐。
- Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system. 深化干部人事制度改革。
- Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system . (七)深化干部人事制度改革。
- Inadvisable Practicing the System of Eliminating the Finality Through Selection in the Personnel System Management in Universities 高校人事制度管理中不宜实行末位淘汰制
- The effectiveness should be the most important aspect to any personnel system. 工作效率应该是人事体制最重要的方面。
- IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager. 以实时解决影响商务运行的系统问题。
- You can configure the path to the log files in Exchange System Manager. 可以在Exchange系统管理器中配置日志文件的路径。
- Personnel System Management 人事系统管理
- In Exchange System Manager, locate the Logons container of the mailbox store. Exchange,系统管理器找到的邮箱存储登录容器。
- The Microsoft Installable File System Manager cannot find the helper driver. (Microsoft 可安装文件系统管理器无法找到辅助驱动程序。)
- System management is becoming the No.1 IS problem. 系统管理成为头号的信息系统问题。
- Next,a joint venture shall determine by themselves their organizational structure and personnel system,right ? 下一个问题,合资企业应由自己决定其组织结构和人事制度,对不对?
- Traffic System Management(TSM)? 运输系统管理?
- IBE Bar is a taskbar system management tool. 一个任务栏的系统管理工具。
- Discuss the three steps of ideological and political work in reform of personnel system. 试论人事制度改革中思想政治工作的三步曲。
- Hence, the personnel system of postal service in modern China is a kind of capitalistic personnel system. 因此,近代中国的邮政人事制度是一种资本主义的人事制度。
- We will deepen the reform of the personnel system related to cadres to improve their selection, appointment, evaluation, incentives and supervision. 深化干部人事制度改革,完善对各类人才的选拔任用、考核评价、激励监督的制度。
- Continue to deepen reform of the cadre and personnel system and focus on training high-caliber cadres and personnel. 不断深化干部人事制度改革,着力造就高素质干部队伍和人才队伍。