- Personnel Resources Data 人员资源数据
- Since 1960s, the research on personnel resources accountancy has been developed from abroad and grown with times. 摘要人力资源会计自国外20世纪60年代开始研究,已取得了长足的发展。
- The retrieved resource data is corrupted. 所检索的资源数据已损坏。
- Hence, it is necessary to summarize current research to promote the development of personnel resources accountancy is our country. 因此,有必要对我国人力资源会计的研究情况进行总结,旨在促进我国人力资源会计的发展。
- Work analyzing is an important and basic part in the management of personnel resources, but a lot of nurse managers are not familiar with it. 工作分析是人力资源管理中重要的基础性工作,但是相当部分的护理管理者对这项工作还比较生疏。
- Substantial nonschool personnel resources should be employed to help solve the immediate problem of the shortage of mathematics and science teachers. 可以聘用一些有扎实基础的非学校的人员来帮助解决数学和科学教师紧缺这个问题。
- In reply to the questions raised from the floor, the Secretariat confirmed that it had developed a revised methodology for costing personnel resources in WIPO's budget. 秘书处在回答发言者提出的问题时确认,已经为计算WIPO预算中的人事资源费用开发了经修订的方法。
- This paper established the Territory Resources Information System to manage the numerous and jumbled territory resources data systematically using the GIS. 利用GIS技术,对庞大的国土资源数据信息进行系统管理,建立国土资源信息系统使分散的资料系统化,变独享资料为共享资料,单要素资料变成综合资料。
- In either case, the resource data is compiled into the executable file. 在任何一种情况下,资源数据都将编译到可执行文件中。
- Set up courts specialized in domestic violence and other family disputes, train defense attorneys specialized in the same area, and found legal counseling offices using local personnel resources. 建立专门处理家庭暴力和家庭纠纷的法院。训练专业领域的律师等。
- With embedded resources, the resource data is stored directly in the. Resx file. 通过嵌入的资源;可以将资源数据直接存储在.;resx文件中。
- With embedded resources, the resource data is stored directly in the. Resx file in a text representation of the binary data. 对于嵌入资源;资源数据直接以二进制数据的文本表示形式存储在.;resx文件中。
- Human resources accountancy, as a new branch of accounting, is an effective procedure and method to identify and calculate human resource data. 人力资源会计是会计学的一个崭新的分支,是鉴别和计量人力资源数据的一种会计程序和方法。
- Examples include the HI_RES_AWARE custom resource and Menu Resource Data (RCDATA). 例如HI_RES_AWARE自定义资源和菜单资源数据(RCDATA)就是这样的资源。
- National Metallurgy Personnel Resources Cen 国家冶金人才交流中心
- The resource data storage in distributed Broad-band-service on Demand (BOD) systems is studied quantitatively. 摘要研究分布式并行宽带点播服务系统中资源的优化存储,以充分发挥系统性能;
- Human Factors and Personnel Resources 人体因素与人力来源
- Linked resources are stored as files within the project; during compilation the resource data is taken from the files and placed into the manifest for the application. 链接资源作为文件存储在项目中;在编译期间,从这些文件中取得资源数据,并将其放到应用程序的清单中。
- Therefore, to back up the quorum disk resource data, you can create either a full computer backup set or a Windows backup set for that node. 因此,若要备份仲裁磁盘资源数据,可以创建该节点的完整计算机备份集或Windows备份集。
- In this paper ten national parks of Viet Nam were introduced in detail, and took Bach Ma National Park for example, introduced its organizational structure, personnel resource and capital source. 文中详细介绍了越南 1 0座国家公园的最新概况 ,又以 Bach Ma国家公园为例 ,介绍了国家公园的组织机构、人员结构及资金来源等管理措施。