- In the Create a file of type list, click Personal Folder File (. Pst), and then click Next. 在“创建文件的类型”列表中;单击“个人文件夹文件(.;pst)”;再单击“下一步”。
- Manage the system resources including user accounts, personal folder, and data security of the company. 管理公司的系统资源,包括用户帐户,个人文件夹,以及用户的数据安全。
- To make more space available, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your personal folder file (.pst). 请删除你的个人文件夹中不再使用的邮件,以便获得更多的有效空间。
- Describes a problem in which a network administrator cannot prevent a user from creating or accessing Outlook personal folder data files (. Pst) on a per-user basis. 描述问题中网络管理员无法防止用户从创建或访问Outlook个人文件夹数据文件(.;pst)每用户基础上。
- Indexed locations include all of the files in your personal folder (such as Documents, Pictures, Music, and Videos), as well as e-mail and offline files. 已索引的位置包括个人文件夹(如Documents、Pictures、Music和Videos文件夹)中的所有文件,以及电子邮件和脱机文件。
- How do I copy individual names stored in a Personal Folders File (. Pst) into my Contacts folder? 如何将存储在个人文件夹文件(.;pst)中的姓名逐个复制到我的“联系人”文件夹中?
- If you see only one top-level folder called Personal Folders, skip to the "Delivering messages to the previously used. Pst file" section. 如果您只看到一个名为“个人文件夹”的顶级文件夹;则请跳至“将邮件传递到以前使用的.;pst文件”部分。
- When you have finished moving all items, you can remove the Recovered Personal Folders (. Pst) file, including the Lost and Found folder, from your profile. 当移动完所有项目后;可以从配置文件中删除“复原的个人文件夹”(.;pst)文件;包括“丢失的与找到的”文件夹。
- Offline folders differ from PST files (.pst files), which are personal folder files stored either on a local disk or a server other than the Exchange server. 脱机文件夹与PST文件不同,PST只是一个个人的文件夹文件,它要么存储于一个本地磁盘上,要么是存储在一个服务器上,但是不是一个交换服务器上。
- Backing up your Microsoft Outlook information is quicker and easier with the Personal Folders Backup feature. 使用个人文件夹备份功能,备份Microsoft Outlook信息将更加快速便捷。
- Depending on the type of account you use, Outlook may create a new data file called a Personal Folders file (. Pst). 根据您所使用的帐户类型;Outlook可能会创建一个名为个人文件夹文件(.;pst)的新数据文件。
- If you want to search your entire hard disk, rather than just your personal folders, click Advanced Search. 如果想要搜索整个硬盘,而不仅仅是搜索个人文件夹,请单击“高级搜索”。
- If you were using a POP3 account, you can still use the Personal Folders file (. Pst) to work with your items. 如果以前使用的是POP3帐户;则仍可以使用个人文件夹文件(.;pst)处理您的项目。
- Delivery of new e-mail to a. Pst file appears as Personal Folders or a custom display name you provided for the. Pst file. 若要将新电子邮件传递到.;pst文件;则显示为“个人文件夹”或您为该
- The Personal Folders file (. Pst) (Personal Folders file (. Pst): Data file that stores your messages and other items on your computer. 包含此“日历”文件夹的个人文件夹文件(.;pst)(个人文件夹文件(
- With Personal Folders Backup, you can choose which of your.PST files you wish to back up, and how often you wish to back them up. 使用个人文件夹备份功能;您可以选择要备份的.;PST文件以及执行备份操作的间隔。
- Remote Mail provides a way to synchronize your Inbox only to a local Personal Folders file (. Pst) using a dial-up connection. 远程邮件提供了一种方法;只对使用拨号连接的本地个人文件夹文件(.;pst)来同步“收件箱”。
- If you use a Personal Folders file (. Pst) (Personal Folders file (. Pst): Data file that stores your messages and other items on your computer. 如果使用个人文件夹文件(.;pst)(个人文件夹文件(
- And Personal Folders files (. Pst) (Personal Folders file (. Pst): Data file that stores your messages and other items on your computer. 和个人文件夹文件(.;pst)(个人文件夹文件(
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。