- Peronospora microulaen. 微孔草霜霉
- Diagnose and quarantine of Peronospora schoeidinii Ung. 大葱霜霉病诊断与检疫。
- Abstract: Downy mildew (Hyaloperonospora parasitica, formerly Peronospora parasitica ) is one of the severe diseases of many crops. 文章摘要: 随着近年分子生物学技术的发展与应用,植物霜霉病抗性的研究有了长足的进展。
- Tsay, J. G., Chu, C., Chuang, Y. H., and Chen, R. S. 2006. Specific detection of Peronospora tabacina by PCR-amplified rDNA sequences. Plant Pathology Journal 5: 378-382. 陈玟谕、朱纪实、蔡智贤、岳庆熙、蔡竹固。2006。不同非洲菊品系花青素配基合成酵素基因及其表现差异。中华农学会报7:-.;(已接受
- The activities of PODSOD or CAT and H2O2 content were examined in cucumber leaves treated with BTH or inoculated with Pseudo peronospora cubensis f. sp. cucumerinum. 摘要以‘长春密刺’黄瓜幼苗为材料,对苯并噻二唑(BTH)处理或霜霉菌接种后黄瓜叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性与H2O2含量的变化进行了研究。
- This paper introduces the history of microula research and development,chemical composition,medical and nutritional functions and the future of microula utilization. 本文介绍国内有关微孔草的开发、成分、医疗保健功能等研究工作的进展。
- The antibiotic 2507 has also satisfactory effect for controlling chinese cabbage downy mildew disease infected by Peronospora parasitica Fr.with efficacy 87.5%in field test. 结果表明,抗生素2507在温室人工接菌情况下,防治黄瓜疫病的效果可达95%25以上,田间小区防治小白菜霜霉病的效果达到87.;5%25。
- Microula sikkimensis H. 微孔草
- Occurrence and chemical control of Peronospora astragalina Sydow 黄芪霜霉病发生与药剂防治
- Probation of suitable growing region of Microula sikkimensis 微孔草生长适宜地区的探讨
- Preliminary study on the occurring characteristics of Peronospora danica and the control measures 菊花霜霉病发生特点及防治措施初步研究
- Keywords Microula sikkimensis Hemsl;plant chemical constituent;normilin;sterol compounds; 微孔草;植物化学成分;诺米林;甾醇化合物;
- Suppression of several fungicides on sporangia germination of Peronospora parasitica and their field efficiency 几种杀菌剂对白菜霜霉病菌孢子萌发的抑制及田间药效
- Changes in Protective Enzymes Activity in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Makino) Inoculated with Peronospora parasitica 不结球白菜接种霜霉病菌后防御酶活性的变化
- Sect. Microulan. 西藏微孔草组
- Microula floribundan. 多花微孔草
- Peronospora agrestisn. 婆婆纳霜霉
- Microula oblongifolian. 长圆微孔草
- Peronospora amethystean. 水棘针霜霉
- Microula sikkimensisn. 微孔草