- Peromyscus guardian. 安格岛鹿鼠
- At La Guardia, there's even a clown to keep people happy. 在LaGuardia,甚至会有小丑在取悦乘客。
- In 1947, former New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia died. 1947年的今天,前纽约市市长Fiorello La Guardia逝世。
- Pilato disse loro: Avete una guardia: andate, assicuratevi come credete. 彼拉多对他们说:“你们带着卫兵,尽你们所能的去严密看守吧。”
- It developed a ecific legal regime for guardia hip of the person (as o osed to property), which was previously undeveloped under Maryland law. 资讯科技为人(如财产所反对)的监护发展了一个特定的合法政权,先前未开发的在马里兰法律之下。
- In 1939, New York's La Guardia Airport began operations as an airliner from Chicago landed at one minute past midnight. 1939年.;纽约拉瓜迪亚机场开始运作一定期航班;它于午夜过一分登机后从芝加哥起飞
- On January fifteenth, US Airways flight fifteen forty-nine was leaving La Guardia airport near New York City. 一月十四日,美国航空公司代号为1549的飞机飞离了纽约市附近的哥哈迪亚机场。
- O Eterno, poni una guardia dinanzi alla mia bocca, guarda l’uscio delle mie labbra. 耶和华啊!求你看守我的口,把守我的嘴。
- Mattania, Bakbukia, Obadia, Meshullam, Talmon, Akkub erano portinai, e facevan la guardia ai magazzini delle porte. 玛他尼、八布迦、俄巴底亚、米书兰、达们和亚谷都是守门的,守卫城门的库房。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Guardia Piemontese Terme - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Guardia Piemontese Terme 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Or in quella medesima contrada v’eran de’ pastori che stavano ne’ campi e facean di notte la guardia al loro gregge. 天使向牧羊人报喜信在伯利恒的郊外,有一些牧人在夜间看守羊群。
- Ed essi andarono ad assicurare il sepolcro, sigillando la pietra, e mettendovi la guardia. 他们就去把墓前的石封好,又派卫兵把守,严密地守住坟墓。
- Y., yhe Courtyard La Guardia Airport is less than one mile's drive from LaGuardia Airport. 东埃尔姆赫斯特 -配有 游泳池 的酒店:Located in East Elmhurst; N.
- ONE morning last summer I blew up at my husband in La Guardia Airport just after we had gone through security. 去年夏天的一个早上,在我和我的丈夫在拉瓜迪亚机场通过安检后,我像爆发的炸弹一样,突然跟他发起火来。
- The Guardia di Finanza became suspicious when responsibility for the orders passed to a Chinese company, and alerted ministry officials. 在订单责任转给一家中国公司后,意大利金融警察机构产生了怀疑,该机构向经济发展部官员发出了警报。
- La Guardia Airport, from which a shuttle flight service to Washington and Boston is operated, is about 8 miles from mid-Manhattan. 瓜迪机场离曼哈顿中心8英里,为往返于华盛顿和波士顿的飞行服务。
- The cast and crew of new series Fringe were due to begin shooting at the Crown Plaza Hotel, near Long Island's La Guardia Airport. 新一个系列的Fringe剧组正准备在CrownPlaza宾馆进行拍摄,这家宾馆就在长岛的LaGuardia附近。
- Shannon S, de al Guardia MD. Sex expression and the production of ethylene induced by auxin in the cucumber(Cucumis sativus L) [J], Nature 1969,223:186. 田长恩;梁承邺;黄毓文等.;水稻细胞质雄性不育及其保持系幼穗发育过程中内源激素的动态变化[J]
- When I was “bumped” the gate agent switched me to a later flight that flew directly to La Guardia, landing me in Manhattan half an hour sooner than originally scheduled. 那么你该如何兑现所有这些免费的旅行?以下7点是帮您释放您的免费旅行的专营权费。